
Great work everyone last week!  Time to start of this week's photo thread!

As always, we get as much out of your in-process photos as we do the highly polished "all done" shots!


Blog: The Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway


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A tree and a shrub.



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MikeC in Qld

Nice silhouettes

Boston and Maine GP38-2 on a grey evening


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Tom Conboy

Wetterau Food Services Micro Layout

Finishing up my micro layout. Additional layers of scenery texture and details need to be applied. 

I used .010 styrene piece as a backing for the connecting track pieces.  I then applied ballast to the topside. The visible seam between the baseboards will be hidden with scenery material. 


01_wfs8.jpg 02_wsf8.jpg 03_wsf8.jpg 04_wsf8.jpg 05_wsf8.jpg 

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N&W GP30


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Ahh summer

Ahh summer

                    Joey Ricard - West Virginia, USA

          My Model Railroad Blog  ----   My YouTube Channel




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When you're out of Schlitz...

Switching the Schlitz C House on the Beer Line.mage(3).jpeg 

Hauling beer on the Milwaukee Road's Beer Line in the late 1960s.

YouTube Channel and Facebook Page: BeerLineModeler

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good work guys

Tom- good track work on your micro layout

Joey- nice job on the bridge

Modeling Penn Central and  Amtrak in the summer of 1972

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Ray Dunakin

Spanish tiles

I've been busy making hundreds of individual Spanish tiles for my Dos Manos depot. I just finished putting them on one side of the main roof. This side alone took 200 tiles. I figure that in total, it'll take at least 1000 for the whole building:


As always, you can find out the details in my In-ko-pah Railroad thread on this forum.


Visit to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

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Joe Atkinson IAISfan

A new "front door" for IAIS's West End

Friday I received a painting I commissioned last year from talented eastern Iowa photographer and artist Frank Grizel.  It looks even better in person than what Frank's nice photo indicated, so I was excited to get it framed and hung.  That finally happened today, so I thought i'd share a pic of it in its new home.  It would benefit from additional lighting, and I'll be reviewing options for adding that.  My thanks to Scott Thornton for the image enhancements!

In the distance, where the gray Homasote splines are visible, is the future location of the same scene on the layout as what Frank painted for me, IAIS's "High Bridge" on the east edge of Council Bluffs.  For more information on the painting, as well as Frank's contact info for those of you interested in reasonably-priced one-of-a-kind works, see .


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Hot bottle car

torpedo.jpg 120/100 ton car, kitbash from Walthers kit.

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Rocks at Sulfur Prairie

Track disappear in the rock cut at Sulfur Prairie:







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Just a little bit of weathering

am I the only N Scale Pacific Electric Freight modeler in the world? 

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Dreams of Summer 1935

It's a lazy August afternoon in the quiet town of Tumbelle. If you listen, you can hear the flies buzzing in the still summer air.MG_6911a.JPG 


Out behind the Ruphe & Tumbelle storage shed, a few of the WPA men are enjoying an afternoon break and are discussing the new Social Security Act just passed by Congress.


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Local power is usually a GP35

Local power is usually a GP35 on this job, so the crew was shocked to see an ES44 sitting on the point when they showed up for work.  Here it is seen after running around its train to finish switching the now trailing point sidings.


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Geared Steam

North Dallas Train Show this weekend

Three shots from the Sn3 Elk Canyon and Western

More pictures of this and other layouts on my blog linked below. 


"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein


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Craig Kempf santafeNscale

Ex Texas Mexican HS 75010 N Scale


Craig Kempf-Arlington WA

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Michael Watson

Lots of detail

Dolson, great job of the town of Tumbelle ! The weeds, open windows, flower box, electric meter, skids, crates, baggage wagon all add to the believability. Your backdrop integrates very well into the whole scene.Hope to see more of this well detailed town.


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@Hot Bottle Car

What a great looking model.

Michael T


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Brodie Washburn


Siding activity with my trusty Athearn Mainline SP SW-1. Runs like a champ and a layout fave.

Just weathering with pastels and India ink and alcohol so far.


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Georgia Road Unit at Halfway


I read several railfan spotting reports on the Western Railroads Discussion that the class unit for the Georgia Road SD70ACe fleet, unit #7700, was working across the Colorado Interstate Railroad (CIRail) and through the Kansas Pacific RR. I managed to miss it on two occasions and aside from just camping out on the railroad to see it, I figured I would lose my chance to catch it on its return trip East all together. Somehow, I managed to be in the right place at the right time over the weekend. I managed to catch a manifest with the 7700 leading two CIRail SD40-2s at Halfway Siding on this side of Colorado border.

Special Thanks the Anthony Lorch for the paint and finishing of this model.  Photo taken on module in outside sun.


Some may say Halfway is odd for a name. Apparently, Kansas Pacific had need of a brand new passing track out in the sticks to meet increasing numbers of coal trains running against the flow of manifest traffic. The story goes that the Kansas Pacific civil engineer in charge of the project asked one of the local section men cutting in the switches at the siding if he had any ideas as to what to name this new station. The old cowboy tipped his sweat haloed hat and said," Shoot, I cannot for the life of me think of anything to call this here track. We are halfway between where we stand and the middle of nowhere!" The rest, as they say, is history. The KP manifest with the Georgia Road unit held the main for the westbound local freight, allowing me to shoot the train from the HWY 14 overpass near the switch at the east side of Halfway. In fact, the late running local held him for nearly an hour and I managed to pick my way down and get a roster shot also as the local creeped its way by on the siding trying desperately to clear up. Soon the meet was over, and then I realized just how far I traveled to catch this elusive locomotive on its final trip. I was not even halfway from home, going much further than I planned. Oh, well...the pictures were worth it, even it the long drive home was not.


Hank Stephens



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Shufflin freight


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Graeme Nitz OKGraeme

Georgia Road..

...Beautiful work. Love that scheme.

As for the name Halfway nothing wrong with that, there are lots of names with similar heritage such as Dotsero (read Dot Zero) on the Rio Grande which is where the surveying started from.

Graeme Nitz

An Aussie living in Owasso OK

K NO W Trains

K NO W Fun


There are 10 types of people in this world,

Those that understand Binary and those that Don't!

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Craig Kempf santafeNscale

shufflin freight

Nice work Nick, that flatcar in the foreground looks interesting



Craig Kempf-Arlington WA

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Thanks Craig! I had to do a

Thanks Craig! I had to do a lot of modding to that flat. Also, that is the only car I've done so far where I replaced the deck with real wood. It's one of those Walthers Bulkheads with the pipe load.

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