
Hello all,

Would like to build an around the living room single or double track narrow shelf layout using 15" radius curves.  Will be very simple.  Located above the windows at approximately 7'.  Just track for display running only.  Want to keep the shelf depth to a minimum.

Need your help in determining the easiest construction/wall attachment materials.  Want a clean look - no brackets below the shelf, roadbed attached directly to wall, if possible. Is anything available ready made commercially? 

Your advice is much appreciated.  

Thank you!  

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Steven S

If you don't want anything

If you don't want anything visible below the shelf, do a Google search on floating shelf brackets.  They jut out from the wall and hide inside the shelf.


Steve S

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  "Want a clean look - no


  "Want a clean look - no brackets below the shelf, roadbed attached directly to wall, if possible. Is anything available ready made commercially? "

Since N scale is so small and light you could probably make the shelves from commercial molding stock combined in some manner, the problem would be the corner curves.  My big concern for an N trains mounted that high would be viewing distance and angle, you wouldn't be able to see much without a step stool or short ladder? ......DaveB 

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N Scale High Wall Layout Materials

Thanks for your feedback!  Floating shelf brackets look like a good bet.  Shelf will only be 3" - 6" depending on single or dual track.  I don't think viewing will be compromised.  Will factor in view when I get to construction.

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