
I am starting to work on the town of Watersmeet and the connecting road to Ironwood (located in the window well)

This is the ramp down from Ironwood to the road leading to Watersmeet. The basic sub form is two pieces of 11/2" thick rigid foam glued together. The road surface is .060" styrene.P3202192.JPG 


Starting of the land form. Oops yours truly in the window, not very good composition.P3202194.JPG 

This is where the road will enter into Watersmeet. I used the same cork as used for the track roadbed to raise the styrene road to the same level. This way the grade crossings will be level.P3202195.JPG 

Rosin paper template for the .060" styrene sub base for the town.P3202196.JPG 

Another shot of the road coming of the ramp.P3202197.JPG 

More to follow as it becomes available.

Richard - Superintendent CNW Peninsula Div.

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Richard - Superintendent CNW Peninsula Div.

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Looks good, pretty similar to

Looks good, pretty similar to what I am working on. Where I live it's hard to find any model supplies and I ended up using styrene "for sale" signs for the streets. I founf some heavier signs that I used under street blodks to set the building on and scribed sidewalks on them.

I don't want to Hijack your post, but perhaps this can be a bit of help for you.


The first picture is the site for the town. I had everything laid out on the plywood and was transferring to to the sign material which was painted a concrete color. I wanted concrete streets for the main street, and asphalt for side streets, which was painted with a gray primer to resemble aged asphalt.



In the second picture you can see the thicker sign material which worked for sidewalks.

In the next picture the "streets were laid down. I used a water based contact cement to lay the streets down just like laminate on a counter top.


With the streets down I used a pencil to mark the concrete seams in the streets and over sprayed them with a flat clear spray. Then chalk was used to show the grime and grease that usually accumulates in the center of the driving land. I should have used a dark gray, but to save a 25 mile trip to town, I used black. This again was oversprayed with a flat cleat.

The next pictires shop the finished streets. Many details still have to be added but this may give you an idea. The sign material is easy to get and inexpensive.



"Sidewalks" were cut from the thicker sign material for use by the homes at the edge of town.


Again I didn't want to hijack your post, but I know it took me a bit of time to form a plan for this and this did work.



Logan Valley RR  G0174(2).jpg 


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