Joe, can a link to the layout being featured in an article be included in every feature? For reference, December 2014's "Building a Fast Loader" features the VSW which was introduced to us readers a while ago. While reading the new article it became apparent I would have liked to review the original article to see the drawing of the layout, or simply to have the layout drawing included again. Is this a reasonable request? Could an (imbedded?) index for all articles in which a layout is featured be included at the end of the articles? Or some sort of article linking? Finding the original feature article for the VSW isn't easy if I'm not online and am only able to view my downloaded pdf's. This would also apply to other featured layouts. Even an included link on where to purchase pay-ware such as Mike Canfalones Allagash Story, or similiar, would be nice.
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Bill Brillinger

MRH TOC Index to the rescue!

You can download the TOC XLS or PDF for offline use anytime...


A quick search for John Wilkes reveals 2 articles:

September, 2013, PG 51, The Virginia Southwestern, John Wilkes, John’s new layout with metal benchwork
December, 2014, PG 108, Building a fast coal loader, John Wilkes, Build this modern industry for your layout


Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

Reply 0

Cool! However as pointed out,

Cool! However as pointed out, its updated monthly, therefore I'd have to dl it monthly. 


I'd still like to see an in-print listing if possible.  I do understand an imbedded link wouldn't work if you don't have internet access, but it would still direct me to my archived PDF without having to do a 'search'. 

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Bill Brillinger

Not unlike...


its updated monthly, therefore I'd have to dl it monthly.

Not unlike the magazine

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

Reply 0

Joe, you created the

Joe, you created the "ePub version of MRH..." thread and in it specifically state you were planning an index for advertisers. ("And we also want to provide an ad index so you can find each advertiser's ad").  

Something along those lines is exactly what I'm suggesting for being able to find related featured articles. 

I understand the point of indexing the advertisers since they are the life blood of keeping this all free, but since atleast one page is dedicated to them already in each months magazine that seems a bit redundant?  But that's not the point of my thread. 

If the effort to do so for advertisers is "worth it", can this not be an option for the feature articles?

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Bill Brillinger

Other articles...

Rather than a separate index, in the feature articles there could be a short list near the by-line, "See this this authors other articles in MRH, June 2010 & July 2014"

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

Reply 0

Yes!   Being free and not


Being free and not necessarily constrained to editorial length due to material costs makes it seem like an index shouldn't be a problem to include (however I have no idea what it takes to put the E-zine together), but even a simple listing would be perfect.

Joe's posted since I made this thread though... kinda hoping he'd weigh in, even if to shoot this idea down. 

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We'll consider it

We'll consider it ... for one article, it's pretty easy, for every article, it becomes real work. Lots of little things needed now - like hyperlinks ... did you know there's over 600 hyperlinks in every issue and if even one of them is wrong, we hear about it. Do you know how long it takes to TEST 600 hyperlinks and also hope you're not asleep at the wheel when the website comes up so you recognize that its the RIGHT site. Ultimately, the way to handle this is to make it so searches find it for you lickety-split - then it just works and we don't have to take 30 mins to go find all the other articles, then test them later - oops! Wrong article, phooey, now where was that article again? We'll consider it - and maybe try it out. The other thing that's almost as good is if someone can post the links to the comment thread, then whether we provide them or not, someone can add value by posting the links.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Bill Brillinger

Skip the hyper links

I suggest just making a simple, text only, cross reference list. Hyper links are not going to work within our downloaded copies of the mag anyway.

Of course if you really want to include links, you could just copy and paste the links and other info from the TOC index, it's all there.

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

Reply 0

Yah Joe, I know building the

Yah Joe, I know building the index/list at first will be a time consumer (I do a lot of third party Engineering for Rolls Royce so I know what it takes to form a database), but once done and cataloged for future article inclusions the work would be almost non existant just to add another reference.   

Thinking about it more, Bill is right, skip the hyperlinks and just have it as a text list. 

Hyperlinks and links in the comment threads are great if you're online.  I travel quite a bit and don't have internet access always available, but I do have my DL'd archive in which to read at will.  Having a list to know where to find the related articles in my archive would be awesome... and I would assume I can't be the only one who would/could benefit from this. 

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Bill Brillinger

The database is done...

The list of articles already exists, it just needs to be sorted by author and it's cut and paste easy.
Maybe a little formatting will need to be applied.

Joe knows where to find it 

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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