
Hope all had a great year and are well. Look forward to more fun next year. 


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Bill Brillinger

Will that be Gravy Train? or Puppy Chow?

Nice layout Art! ...also Nice Puppy! 

and Merry Christmas to you too!!

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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MR Magazines

Hi Art, 
My name is Ken Mason. I am a model railroader in Kenner, La. I saw on your
latest video on MRH that you had some old MR magazines you would like to pass
along. I am interested in some of them. I'm looking for 1999, 2001, 2008, 2010
and 2012 if you have them. Please let me know what you still may have and I can
try to get down there one weekend soon to get them. Also my wife and I would
love a chance to see the Grande Pacific in person.
I was a member of the CCMRC way back in the early 1980's and have been away from
model railroading for close to 30 years until late 2012. I'm sure glad I kept
all of my train stuff all these years.
Anyway, please let me know what you still have available. You can e-mail me back at
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Hopper Loads

Merry Christmas Arthur. Cute dog. Is that coal in those hoppers at the mine or have you found a way to dig out dog food? Like your RR too.

Good luck on your magazine give away. I have MR's going back into the 50's that I am mostly keeping for the structure plans. I am giving some serious thought to pulling out the plans and putting the rest out to recycle.


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Magazines Are Gone

I gave the magazines to someone in Beaumont Tx. That for meeting me and putting them to use.


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