Michael Tondee

So if you were going to put a small retaining wall near a TT  what would you model the wall as.... concrete? wood? random stone?  To me, wood or random stone would be more interesting than concrete but then the thought occurs to me that if  a railroad were going to go to all the trouble to pour a concrete TT pit that they would probably just do a retaining wall in close proximity that way as well.  Thoughts?


Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

I call what I do "An artistic impression of reality" and you can see my layout journal here...

The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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Depends on when it was built

Was the retaining wall built at the same time as the current turntable pit?  Perhaps the wall is older than the turntable pit.  Or, perhaps it is newer, and the economics at the time of construction were different.

In other words, I suggest that you do whatever you like, and justify it with an appropriate backstory!

Ken Rickman

Danville & Western HO modeler and web historian


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It depends on the era and

It depends on the era and locale of your TT. Any pics to share of your TT and its surrounding area?
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Ditto to time,era and economics.

As well as availability of local materials.

Be fun


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concrete years

If the retaining wall was built by the railroad after about 1890-1900, I would expect it to be reinforced concrete.  That range of years is when a lot of concrete construction showed up on American railroad structures.

If the retaining wall was built by locals for another purpose, then log or heavy timber cribbing could be used in lumber-rich areas, or cut stone if that's available locally.


Don - CEO, MOW super.

Rincon Pacific Railroad, 1960.  - Admin.offices in Ventura County

HO scale std. gauge - interchanges with SP; serves the regional agriculture and oil industries

DCC-NCE, Rasp PI 3 connected to CMRI, JMRI -  ABS searchlight signals

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Michael Tondee

Preliminary scenery

I want to build some preliminary scenery around the area which is why this has come up. It's a relatively low wall which would have been built for the turntable to go in so I'm thinking concrete but then, theres nothing to say that the TT wasn't updated over the years and the "old" wall was still functional so it remained the same. Any way, I think I'll just put up a "blank" and face it later when I decide what I want.  I have a piece of a wooden yardstick that looks about perfect for the blank wall.


Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

I call what I do "An artistic impression of reality" and you can see my layout journal here...

The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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Would it be plausible

to have an older stone or wood retaining wall being replaced with a newer concrete wall?  You could model it as an 'under construction' scene, very similar to the shoofly scene done in this months MRH magazine.  Just an idea.


Mobile, AL (Originally from New Haven, IN)

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