
Here is what Iron Mountain currently looks like. As seen in these pictures I have much to do. I need to finish almost all of the buildings - windows, roofs. Add more detail to the street scenes. The big white space in one of the pictures needs a building. I am thinking about a gas station.

Art - I tried to take some full on frontal shots to show the backdrop scenery better. I hope these help. I must admit I did not paint the backdrop. A good friend of mine did all of the trees etc., but I did paint the clouds. I used the cloud templates from New London Industries - Miles Hale's company.

More to follow on Iron Mountain as I get back into that area. But for right now I am putting all my efforts into the Green Bay Industrial District. I have put some photos up of that area, like the buildings. I don't remember if they are in the discussion forums or in my blog. I have been posting in both of these places and can't keep them straight. I will post more as I get further into it. It is almost completed right now.

Richard Superintendent CNW Peninsula Div.


Richard - Superintendent CNW Peninsula Div.

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