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Reply 7
I'm curious why the RE doesn't come out first, as it's a pay version? Wouldn't that be fair to those who paid?
Reply 2
I'm curious why the RE doesn't come out first, as it's a pay version? Wouldn't that be fair to those who paid?
In order to be as convenient as possible to paying customers, RE includes all of MRH in the back so you only have a single download to get everything we publish for the month. Otherwise, RE subscribers would have the hassle of TWO downloads, one for MRH and the other for RE.
Since MRH is in the back of RE, MRH comes out first and then gets vetted, and that takes a day or so. MRH is by far the more complex of the two magazines, with literally hundreds of ad links that need to be tested and verified. The wrath of an advertiser who's ad accidentally goes to a competitor's website is not a pretty thing!
Once MRH has baked in for a day or so and further corrections applied, we add THAT version of MRH to the back of RE. That way, the paying customers get the very best version of MRH in the back. One convenient download gets both RE + and a fully vetted MRH with all the latest corrections.
Reply 6
Makes sense, I guess. Thanks for the explanation.
Reply 4
Makes sense, I guess. Thanks for the explanation.
We could always release the RE part alone first, then add in MRH later and you could download it a second time to get it all. That would kind of defeat the value of a single download, however.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

Reply 2
Sounds like a very practical approach.  I can wait a day or two to allow the review and incorporation of MRH into RE.  

Jeff Mutter, Severna Park, MD


Reply 3
But ideal would be for the MRH to be out on the 13th, and RE by NLT the 15th.
Just my suggestion/idea.
But as it is now, is OK. So this is not a complaint.

Morgan Bilbo, DCS50, UR93, UT4D, SPROG IIv4, JMRI. PRR 1952.

Reply 3
I agree, the ideal would be enough lead that MRH comes out a couple days early so RE hits the 15th. Have to keep working to that end!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

Reply 4
Always makes me chuckle when people worry about a few days +/- on a publication.  The USPS that sends my other subscriptions certainly varies by at least that much.  
Reply 3
craig3: Facetiously stating: How dare you compare MRH or any emag with the USPS! There's no comparison in my mind. Emags are overnight. USPS is any time they can get "a round toit"!

Morgan Bilbo, DCS50, UR93, UT4D, SPROG IIv4, JMRI. PRR 1952.

Reply 2
Emags are overnight. USPS is any time they can get "a round toit"!
Reply 3
Jan RE is done and out for staff review right now. Once that’s done, we will make the final corrections and post it!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

Reply 7
David Emery deemery2
craig3: Facetiously stating: How dare you compare MRH or any emag with the USPS! There's no comparison in my mind. Emags are overnight. USPS is any time they can get "a round toit"!
Our USPS deliveries have been problematic the last 2 days.  I talked to the carrier late last night.  For him, it's been a 'perfect storm' of a 3 day weekend, snow piled up in front of mailboxes, lots of political mailers that get delivered to every house on the route (we got -10- yesterday), and to top it off, his assigned truck blew its engine Tuesday halfway through his route.
Modeling 1890s northeast US
Reply 3
I fully admit that the last few days are an exception. And the USPS can be forgiven. But how about this last year? Mail to our mailbox that isn't ours. Mail for us delivered to other people. Lucky we live in an area where the neighbors are friendly enough to bring it over. And numerous other faulty delivery.
As for breakdowns. That's because of two things. The vehicles owned by the US & vehicles owned by the individuals. Why does the Govt make personnel drive their own vehicles?
May I assume? That if you drive a Govt owned vehicle and it breaks down, they can send a replacement? If you drive your own, and it breaks down - how long will it take to get your mail?
Does UPS or FedEx make their drivers use their own vehicles?
Lot's of room for error.
As for MRH-RE. It's now 1:24 PM and it's not online. So we wait another few hours? OK by me. It's worth the wait.

Morgan Bilbo, DCS50, UR93, UT4D, SPROG IIv4, JMRI. PRR 1952.

Reply 2
Does UPS or FedEx make their drivers use their own vehicles?
As far as I know, brown trucks are company, FedEx Ground uses contractors who buy their own green trucks.
Reply 3
It’s going to be later tonight. Have a number of tweaks to make and a table to collect data for, format, and add. Then make sure all remaining corrections have been applied to MRH, add it to the back, and push it out!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

Reply 8
Perhaps the best single issue of RE to date!
Reply 3
I really like the small layout built by Robin Mountenay and covered by Jim Six.  This is an outstanding layout.  I'll put it up there with Little Muddle (google it if you must.)
Small layouts, long a standby in the UK, are becoming necessary in the US as more of us live in modern closed apartments and townhouses and do not have huge basements or even garages in which to build vast layouts.  True, 20th century (or earlier) prototype fits better in smaller spaces and you are forced to concentrate the MODELING  part of model railroading.  But that becomes practical with a smaller layout. 
The more we see of really fine practical small layouts the better.
My own layout is 11x2.5 feet with a 2.5 foot fiddle/staging  yard extension in a spare small bedroom of a townhouse converted by the previous owner into and office. 
Ken Adams
Walnut Creek, California
Getting too old to  remember all this stuff.... Now Officially a COG (and I've forgotten what that means too...)
Reply 3
Great issue. Robin Mountenay's layout covered by Jim Six  was a most interesting perspective.  To be honest, ever since the first feature, I've been thinking of how I might incorporate some of the features  on my layout. The TOMA feature was also informative, perhaps too busy, but a good layout.
New member since 2010
Reply 3
Hot dang! I just got around to going through the entire MRH-RE. Will have to go back to read more. But I can add to the comments to say that this is the best issue of darn near any magazine I've ever read.
Superb in every way.

Morgan Bilbo, DCS50, UR93, UT4D, SPROG IIv4, JMRI. PRR 1952.

Reply 1