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See your email for your Running Extra PDF download link -- you need to download the August 2022 MRH Running Extra PDF and read it offline. It's not available for reading online (yet).

In this issue ...
Reply 1
Chuck Stuettgen
Is the August Running Extra available for download yet?  I have not gotten the sendowl email yet.  Also, it does not show up as being available when I click the download link in my profile or the link in the subscription confirmation email I received in Jan.

Any ideas?

"It's a hobby not a race."  What I tell people when I'm asked when my layout will be finished.
Reply 1
Is the August Running Extra available for download yet?  I have not gotten the sendowl email yet.  Also, it does not show up as being available when I click the download link in my profile or the link in the subscription confirmation email I received in Jan.

Any ideas?



Yes, it is available for download - I just clicked on the link in your profile and 000. MRH Running Extra - August 2022 is at the top of the column. 

If it isn't appearing, you may need to do a cache clearing. 

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix/My blog index
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

Reply 1
Chuck Stuettgen

I guess sendowl just needed your attention to wake up and do its job, because I got the email the same time you replied. 😁  Clicking the link in my profile now shows the August issue is available.
Thanks for doing your special voodoo! 


PS., I didn't have to clear the browser cache either.
"It's a hobby not a race."  What I tell people when I'm asked when my layout will be finished.
Reply 1
The download link to the August  22 edition takes you to the July 22 version.

MRH: Try it now.
Reply 1
Yipes! Whenever I get this sort of snafu. I simply reboot, clear cache, and whammo! All works. As for other thoughts. patience my friend, patience! I try to not be in a rush. On the 15th of the month, I go to the old MRH and click on current issue. If it is last months, I just wait a couple hours, or even overnight. And that usually works. As for the RE, I have never had any problem from the email. Yes, it's bookmarked; but with the email, I have not needed the bookmark. Again, if I go online and "something don't work". I simply wait a couple hours. 99% of the time, I'm online very early in the day/by 9AM. And can always wait till afternoon to try again.

Morgan Bilbo, DCS50, UR93, UT4D, SPROG IIv4, JMRI. PRR 1952.

Reply 1