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See your email for your Running Extra PDF download link -- you need to download the December 2021 MRH Running Extra PDF and read it offline. It's not available for reading online (yet).

In this issue ...
Reply 1
Ron Ventura Notace

Hi Joe.

I read RE/MRH (Adaptive) on my iPad, using the SideBooks app, which you recommended a while ago. Over the last few months I’ve noticed that some photos in the magazine, but not all, seem to be corrupted. They are compressed vertically, and seem to have one or more white or black bands running across them. Has anyone else observed this behaviour? As often as not, another photo on the same page will be fine. Here’s a screen shot from the December RE. It comes from page 16 of Jim Six’s article.

I also opened the PDF in the Books app, with the same result. I then scanned right through both the November and December issues and found that the problem only seems to occur with black and white photos. Several examples can be found in the “Getting  Real” article in the November issue. Opening the downloaded PDF on a PC, using the Foxit reader, the problem was not present. .

Thanks for RE and MRH. Now that I’m getting used to it, I really like the new forum too. Great work by all concerned.

Ron Ventura

Melbourne, Australia

Reply 0
We don't know what's causing the compressed photos because we do not see them when we read the issue on an iPad with our recommended product, GoodReader. Nor do we see them in Adobe Reader, the product we recommend for PCs and Macs.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Ron Ventura Notace
Thanks for the reply Joe, but when did you recommend GoodReader? I found the post where you suggested mobile users try SideBooks

Ron Ventura

Melbourne, Australia

Reply 0
Ken Rice
I see the same compressed figure 11 photo on the same page as Ron does in iBook, my preferred way of reading RE.  Also figure 8 on the previous page, and figure 2 as well.  I hadn’t noticed it before because once Jim’s articles turn into the same long list of old freight car photos and gory details they always do I skip to the next article (the first few paragraphs are usually interesting though).
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On iOS, I recommend getting and using GoodReader. It works great with all our products ... it will even unzip and play videos you buy from the MRH Store. It's $5, so it's not free. Sidebooks gives you a seamless spread with no gutter, but it's also kind of quirky software with minimal documentation. GoodReader is solid although it does show a gutter line down the middle of a two page spread. I've recommended GoodReader since day one on iOS. Sidebooks is for the purists who wanted a seamless spread, but frankly, I don't use it much. GoodReader is my go-to PDF reader on iOS.

For some reason, iBooks and the Mac default PDF reader is rather glitchy with our PDF publishing software output. Apple seems to be having problems with more bugs than usual recently. If I Google Apple, I get a lot of complaints about their latest releases and more bugs than usual.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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