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Individual articles listed below ...

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Joe, if I change my MRH password does that also change my passwords for TMTV and Running extra?


Is it possible / required to have three different passwords ?  Which might explain why none of them ever work 

so frustrating for an old geezer like me 

i’m Trying to update my TMTV system in response to your recent email, my e mail address is not know I,m offered  try again or leave it ? 

Perhaps my sub has just expired ? 

Great, we just need to accept the google concept of the world through the mobile phone app



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Passwords ... first off, there is no PASSWORD to access Running Extra. You get a personalized link to your RE download page when you sign up, so that’s out. No password ever needed there, but you do need to bookmark your personalized one-and-only RE access link — loose that and you’re stuck. MRH and TMTV passwords are different, and on TMTV we're moving everyone to a new site and giving everyone new passwords to the new site tomorrow. If you’re an active member, you’ve been getting emails about this. Let us check your account on the old site and see if you’re moving. We'll let you know. As for remembering passwords in general, you need to be using a password manager. Using the same password on many sites is a really bad idea ... if someone hacks you, once they get a password, that essentially gives them the keys to the kingdom, and that’s REALLY bad. I’m very tech savvy and cautious yet I’ve been hacked. It feels really weird to come to your computer to find the mouse pointer is moving by itself because some hacker had remotely managed to break into your computer. I immediately hit the kill power button and changed ALL my passwords and alerted the bank immediately to question all transactions.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Joe How does one find out when their membership in TMTV has expired ? I had joined but do not remember when ! --------- Ken 

MRH: You expired back in April on TMTV, Ken. See your email for a very special offer to go sign up again on the new TMTV site!

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TMTV expiry date


Joe How does one find out when their membership in TMTV has expired ? I had joined but do not remember when ! ---------

Log into https://trainmasters.tvand then select My Account> Membership tab. That will show your expiry date.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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MRH Extra

I have not received any e-mail about the issues of MRH Extra.  I subscribed in November 2018 when it started and took out a years subscription.  I have all issues up to the June 2019 one but none since.  I have four more issues to go before my subscription expires, (which I will not be renewing) I cannot find my original e-mail to download any more issues.



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