
When I make a post on a thread here at the MRH Forums,  Every time I come back to that particular thread the Forum tells me a previous version of the post has been saved and if I want it posted I need to O.K. the post. 

I find this to be a waste of my time.  I have already spent my time creating the post and confirmed it's O.K.to post it by hitting the "Submit" Button.   What is going on here?   


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Janet N

It will all be over in another 11 days

When they switch to the new forum.  It's a different software package, hopefully this particular bug isn't present.  Especially since it's a package from a different developer, and thus unlikely to present the same bugs unless they somehow hired the developer who created this bug.

I saw that happen at one place I worked.  One system had this peculiar software bug in a program editor: a cut text shortcut key, a delete text shortcut key, and a copy shortcut key, but no paste text command or shortcut key available.  Since that system died in the prototype stage because it was just really bad on all sorts of levels, nobody higher up really noticed this, and that product design group tended to ignore complaints the tech writers documenting it handed in because "You guys aren't engineers, what do you know". Fast forward a year and then a different system was designed and the same problem with the program editor for that system popped up. 

Turned out they had assigned the same programmer to the new system and when I asked him what was going on, he confessed to me that he had developed that code in college and re-used it on every project he was assigned to because it was faster than recoding it. He had never bothered to actually try to use his little gem instead of just cherishing it and inflicting it on everyone who tried to use those systems.

He was in the first batch of people the company laid off.

Janet N.

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Ken Rice

I see that sometimes

I ignore it when I see it.  My post is already posting, even though the post editor or whatever gets confused about the state of things as long as you can see that your post was actually posted you can ignore the previous version warning.

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Auto-saved version

Hi all,

what you are seeing is an auto-saved version of what you posted. If you have posted your message, then ignore it and select "Cancel". - Simple. If you have had a hiccup and not finished your message, the Autosave can save you a lot of lost work.


John Garaty

Unanderra in oz

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Agree with John …

That is not a bug, it is a feature and it has come in handy a few times when I switched between devices and would have lost a lot of work.  It’s especially handy when you’ve inserted a bunch of pictures and your internet has died before you’ve hit save.

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Yes it’s a feature …

Yes it’s a feature … it’s the autosave asking if you want to restore the last autosave copy. Most of the time you just hit cancel. But once in a while, hitting yes has saved my bacon by bringing back a post I thought I had lost. When you need it, the autosave has been very helpful. But it’s true, in a couple weeks it’s all going to be moot because we’re moving to a new forum platform. I’m sure the new forum will have its own things to get used to. But over all, the new forum, once we’re used to it, will be generally light years ahead of this old obsolete Drupal 6 forum. The new forum uses the Discourse forum software. Several other forum owners who converted from various other forum software generally all said the same thing: there were some complaints at first over the change, but after a couple months once everyone had gotten used to the change, they took a survey of their forum members. NOBODY wanted to go back. So I’m expecting the same thing. Some complaints at first, but once everyone is used to the new forum, no one will want to go back.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


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light years ahead


But over all, the new forum, once we’re used to it, will be generally light years ahead of this old obsolete Drupal 6 forum.

which means that users who were already behind on understanding the old forum are now going to be light years behind the new one...

You can call me EW. Here's my blog index

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Well, yeah...

...but if you're still using an Apple IIc with a yellow monochrome monitor and a 300 baud acoustic modem, we're not waiting for you any more....

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So many buttons to push

and so little time to figure out where they lead to .....DaveB

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What I mean by "light years ahead" ...


which means that users who were already behind on understanding the old forum are now going to be light years behind the new one...

Hah, funny guy. The light years ahead I mean is ease-of-use.

For example, when you post a YouTube URL, the new forum automatically embeds the video for you. No more need to even know how to embed a video in your post.

If you say you want to follow a thread, you can get notified via email. If you reply via email, it posts your reply on the thread just as if you have logged in, found the thread, scrolled down to the bottom, and posted a reply. Very convenient and easy.

Also, the new forum is much easier to use on a tablet or smartphone.

In short, what I mean by "light years ahead" is ease-of-use improvements over this dinosaur of a forum. It's like giving folks who don't understand this forum an upgrade from a horse and buggy to a jet engine.

Change is always somewhat disorienting at first. But I guarantee you once you get used to the new forum, you will never want to come back to this ancient albatross.

P.S. Another advantage of the new forum is that it's current modern software with developers working on it. This old Drupal 6 forum is so old, programmers don't want to even support it, much less develop new features for it.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


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All that and smileys too?

All that and smileys too?


You can call me EW. Here's my blog index

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Jet engine

Why do I see a horse and buggy guy getting on a jet engine and crashing into a rock wall in my mind's eye like the coyote on The Road Runner?    


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds - NCSWIC

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Russ Bellinis

One question that may have already been covered.

I have used the same bookmark for this forum since I heard about MRH a few weeks before the first issue was released.  When the new forum is put up, will it automatically forward me to the new forum and give me instructions on how to register for the new forum.  I have not gone to the new forum tests yet because I consider myself a "troglodyte".  I'm not as bad as my brother who doesn't even turn his computer on, but there are a lot of people on this site that are years ahead of me with computers.  I plan to go to the new site and register as soon as it is officially ready.  I'm just wondering if it will forward me automatically from my old bookmark when it is officially ready?

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Yes, it will eventually auto-forward


I'm just wondering if it will forward me automatically from my old bookmark when it is officially ready?

Yes, we will be putting 301 redirects in place a week or two after the move. Then a while later we will delete the content on here once the 301 redirects have been shown to work correctly.

Basically, with a 301 redirect, you send the person to the new URL for an old URL. Google sees the 301 and updates its search engine to point to the new URL. Google considers sites that move and use 301 redirects to be a high quality site and gives you premium placement in search results. So eventually, all Google will have is the new URLs.

Once the 301s have been put in place, if you have bookmarked a thread or post, selecting the bookmark will send you to the top of the proper thread on the new forum. You may have to look down the thread if your bookmark was to a specific post, but it will get you to the proper thread, which is 90% of the way there.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


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I look forward to the new

Boy, I am getting better in my older age. A year ago I would have torn someone a new one with the OP question. The simple explanations you folks gave were splendid and polite. Funny though, whenever I first got the message the OP writes about, there was an easy explanation, read what it said as the info to answer the why question was there

JoeF. and company are going to go nuts with questions on the new software just based on what we have seem in the sneak preview thread.


TomO in Wisconsin

It is OK to not be OK

Visit the Wisconsin River Valley and Terminal Railroad in HO scale

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My main problem with that

My main problem with that autosave feature is that it LOOKS like an error screen rather than something someone would want. That's a UI problem.

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My main problem with that autosave feature is that it LOOKS like an error screen rather than something someone would want. That's a UI problem.

Agreed. Here's hoping the new more friendly Discourse forum software fixes a lot of that. Drupal 6 feels more clunky every day that goes by. A lot has changed since D6 was new in 2008.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


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