One of the segments you'll see on TrainMastersTV is called MyLayout.  Our host, Jeff Shultz, presents a video that MRH readers have shot of themselves and their railroads. Go back and search for MyLayout on the TrainMasters TV website and watch some of them to get a better idea how the MyLayout segment works.

If you would like to be featured in a MyLayout segment, here's what you have to do:

  1. Get ahold of a video camera.  Today, most smartphones and tablets shoot quite good video, as does most any newer consumer digital video camera. Many modern digital SLRs will also shoot very good video.
  2. Put the camera on a tripod, monopod, or gimbal so the shots are steady -- or if your camera/phone/tablet has a stabilization setting, turn it on.  You can find tripod mounts for phones and tablets as well as the more typical digital camera. Use lots of light so the image is vibrant and well-focused. Some phones, tablets, and modern digital video cameras have quite good digital stabilization, you can probably find a video or webpage with all the details on how to enable it -- just do a web search.
  3. Position yourself in front of the camera with your layout somewhere in the shot and tell us a bit about it, what you're working on now, unique techniques you are using, etc.  Make it at least 5 minutes, but keep it to no more than 10 minutes.  You can split it up into two-minute chunks and change your camera position in between to make it more interesting visually.  Make sure the microphone picks up your voice clearly.  Don't worry too much about how well-spoken you are.  If you complete step #4 below, we will easily be able to take out any "ums" and "ahs".  You can even have a friend ask you questions about your layout, and answer to the camera.
  4. With the camera still on the tripod, and using lots of light, shoot some of your layout for us.  Shoot trains running by.  Video your detailed scenes.  Also show areas you are still working on.  Maybe even show yourself working on those areas.  The more you show us the better.  The MyLayout segment that Gail and Greg did had about 40 different video clips, each no more than 30 seconds in length each and that was just right.
  5. We do all the editing.  Transfer the "raw" video from the camera to your computer (generally MP4) and let us know you have video available for us.   We will give you a link where you can upload it.  If you don't have the capability to prepare the video for uploading, or if you think that your internet connection is too slow, you can just copy the video files to a thumb drive and send it to us.

If you are interested in being a part of MyLayout, or have any questions, feel free to use the TMTV contact us page here: Select message type "Like to do a video" for all questions or comments about submitting video to us!

Or you can post a question below and we will try to get you an answer either in response to your post or offline via email. 

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David Husman dave1905


Are My Layout submissions compensated?

Dave Husman

Visit my website :

Blog index:  Dave Husman Blog Index

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Pay for submissions? Yes ...


Are MyLayout submissions compensated?

The short answer is yes.

If we use your submission in a MyLayout segment, we’ll pay you $200. Every five MyLayout segments, we will look at the first month viewership for your video after release and the leader will get a $500 bonus! So do your homework and follow our guidelines well so we can make the best video possible and that will help make your video popular with viewers -- and you could see a bonus!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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