Looking for VIA Rail modelling information, as well as CN and CP enthusiasts?
Not one, but two new books on VIA Rail Canada for you!  I'm proud to announce the release of my second book all about VIA Rail Canada, entitled Trackside with VIA: Cross-Canada Compendium.  If you've been looking for a book that covers VIA's history, operations and equipment, this is the book you've been waiting for.

I researched VIA's history and equipment through the eyes of a rail enthusiast.  Listening to the feedback from the over 450 buyers of my first book, I've answered your requests for even more photos, and even more coverage of VIA all across Canada.  From British Columbia to Quebec, remote services in Manitoba, RDC's in the Maritimes and VIA's flagship transcontinental trains, it's all here!

To order now, simply click here:
This book, over a year in the making, will be at useful reference for you, trackside or in your library.
You've never seen a book like it! Here's a concise list of what awaits you:

-Cross-Canada coverage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, including Eastern Canada, Western Canada and Corridor trains
-VIA's named trains, special trains, rescue trains and hospital trains
-VIA's locomotive fleet from F-units to P42s
-LRC, HEP and Renaissance programs
-disposition of former VIA equipment
-notable VIA derailments
-VIA's history, including the 1981 and 1990 cuts, 1985 reinstatements
-what it was like to ride VIA in the 1980's
-details on the acquisition and rebuilding of locomotives and cars inherited from CN and CP
-packed with data: motive power surveys, RDC roster and assignments and more!

An excellent value!  Over 100 heavyweight pages, over 160 black & white photographs, over 60 colour photographs, perfect-bound between illustrated colour covers.  This is a real meat-and-potatoes book, with informative captions, data-dense tables and newsy text to satisfy the most detail-oriented reader.  I've taken my VIA experiences, mixed it with a heaping dose of information, and blended it into a book full of data and supporting photos.  From the newest student of VIA to the most seasoned VIAphile, you're sure to find stuff in here that you never knew.
Prices including shipping:
$30 to Canadian addresses
$35 to US addresses
For more information on ordering, plus more detailed descriptions of each books and a free preview, simply click here:
Since there was too much content for one book, I'm proud to announce the simultaneous release of a third book: Trackside with VIA: Cross-Canada Compendium Consist Companion.
Featuring consists of interest to prototype modellers and anyone who wants to learn more about VIA operations, this book contains over 50 pages of VIA consists, divided into the following sections:
-Western Canada
-Eastern Canada
-Corridor Trains
-plus station train departure information from Montreal and Halifax, and even some non-VIA, pre-VIA passenger trains.
Prices include shipping:
$10 to Canadian addresses
$13 to US addresses
For international customers, please email me at mile179kingstonATyahooDOTca, (just replace the capitalized words with the actual symbol) so for pricing information.
A few copies still available!
In 2011 I released, Trackside with VIA - The First 35 Years.  This book chronicles my trackside VIA observations from 1976 to 2011 - over 2,700 trains in total, plus some additional information on VIA's eras and equipment, including a roster with paint transition data.
Prices including shipping:
$25 to Canadian addresses
$29 to US addresses
I trust you'll enjoy reading these books as much as I enjoyed creating them.  Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have:
mile179kingstonATyahooDOTca, (just replace the capitalized words with the actual symbol).
Thanks for your interest and for supporting quality books on Canadian subjects,
Eric Gagnon
Kingston, Ontario, Canada


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