
As you can see the plans have changed a fair bit from the earlier plan. I have secured a better location consisting of half a bedroom, so it is now an L-shaped layout.  It will feature a main urban industrial area and a small harbour (something I've always loved!)

Status Report

Benchwork: 95% complete

Tracklaying: 10% complete

Wiring: 5% complete

Scenery: 0% complete


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Looks good....

.... and seems you're ready for some real estate grab at both ends!.


Long life to Linux The Great!

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It looks like there might be a bit of an s-curve near the cross-over by (#29).  This may be an issue.


NOOB in progress

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David Calhoun


Are the numbers the location of a car or car length? Not sure what you're using them for. Consider a double slip switch instead of the crossover by number 29 and 30 - might be interesting.

Chief Operating Officer

The Greater Nickel Plate

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Jurgen Kleylein

too much?

Actually, I'm concerned that there will be no space for scenery.  There seems to be track almost everywhere.  You may want to scale back the trackage a little, perhaps put some thought into where you intend to put buildings, before you get too far along with the trackwork.


HO Deutsche Bundesbahn circa 1970

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thanks for the comments

You guys made some great observations

Yes, both ends are set up well for expansion - also it is built as 3 modular sections so I can move it to a bigger room when the opportunity arises.

the numbers are car spots for operating sessions - I still have some work to do to figure out exactly which industries I will model - I definitely will have a small modern sawmill and a chemical plant of some kind, and probably a bakery or something. (I really like covered hoppers). I want to have some industries that receive and ship by rail but using different car types (ideas and examples would be appreciated)

Yeah it is a really dense layout and will have a lot of old brick factory type buildings. The track at the far left side is not yet nailed down so I have room for adjusting with the industries.

around #29 I have actually drafted up 3 different versions, one with a double crossover, and one with a switchback between 24 & 25. This area is not quite finalized yet. So far this is the version I like best but yeah I will have to fiddle with it a little to minimize the S-curve. Although a little S-curve is acceptable for me since I avoid really long rolling stock and run mostly early road switchers and Geeps.



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