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Articles in this issue include:

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Bob Parsons

I agree that it would be nice

I agree that it would be nice to have a list of the contest winners from both the National Train Show and the NMRA contest room. Mr. Dave's stunning modules won both Best of Show and 1st places in the individual module category while my Narragansett, Fitchburg & Boston NTRAK module took 2nd. Beyond that I haven't a clue. This isn't a criticism...but it would also have been nice if the NMRA had returned to the  participants their individual score sheets (as was previously promised) so that one could evaluate individual areas of work. I displayed my little NTRAK module all by it's lonesome but it was a shame that there was no NTRAK layout in attendance at this year's show, as was promised. Heard all kinds of "reasons" and I don't know which ones to believe but I can report that there were more than a few show attendees who expressed their disappointed as they viewed the big empty space which have showcased an NTRAK layout.

Robert Parsons

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