

I was having a discussion about MRH with an acquaintance.  I mentioned that we have members from around the world.  I was curious if you have a way of tracking that information?  It could help in getting new sponsors.


From Louisiana, USA.


     Dennis Austin located in NW Louisiana


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Jurgen Kleylein

From our point of view...

Our club has a free tracking software we use to monitor its web traffic, and we get a good number of referrals from MRH pages.  It shows where the users are located, too, and I'm sure Joe has access to that sort of information, not to mention the subscriber data.

I imagine our MRH referrals are somewhat of a reflection of the total user base for MRH, skewed a little in favor of extra traffic from Canadian users.  North America represents almost 85% of our traffic, followed by Commonwealth countries like UK, Australia and New Zealand.  There is also quite a bit from other Western European nations like Germany and Netherlands.  We also get some from France, but that is from a french language site.  There are a few following us in Scandinavia, but it's hard to say where that is coming from.  Other than that, there are quite a few hits from Brazil, Japan and South Africa, and scattered nations everywhere else. 

Generally speaking, I would say the UK and Down Under are the best bet for overseas promotion.


HO Deutsche Bundesbahn circa 1970

Visit the HO Sudbury Division at

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Bruce Petrarca

My web site . . .

has the tracking posted at the bottom of the home page. Always an interesting read:

Bruce Petrarca, Mr. DCC; MMR #574

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