
So here's what I'm starting with:


On the far right is section one of this track plan, basically the refinery area and fiddle yard:


SO I have a tad bit of cleaning to do.  Tomorrow I'll get the measurements done for mounting the benchwork.

Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

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Looks like a nice plan

I see the "redraw date" is listed as January of 1999.  Looks like the summer challenge came at the right time!!

Why don't you go ahead and tell us where you hope to be by Labor Day in the challenge thread and include your starting picture.

BTW...LOVE the music in your video from April.  Who is it?

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The plan date

Is actually 2009 - I'll post the colorized version later today or tomorrow.  I already posted my plan in the Challenge forum, but thought I'd keep the rest over here for space sake.

As to the video - I usually use the open source stuff on youtube when I put those together - so it's whatever mood I was in at the time.

Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

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measure once, cut . . . often

It's not much to look at , but these two sets of pencil marks are the registration lines for section 3 of the benchwork, towhich section 2 will be bolted.  The lower line represents the height the L girder needs to be to have the plywood top deck match section 1, before foam is applied.  Once installed, section 3 will be supported by l girder on two sides, and by a bracket from the studs in the third.  Should be fun.

Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

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Take time to make time

or some such thing.  Due to the fact that I had to work from home a ton this week, I took advantage of a lovely afternoon yesterday, and set about to cut and install the benchwork sections that have been sitting in my basement for about 18 months.  I got them surplus when a local On30 modeler took his layout down to move onto his sailboat permanently.

All went well installing the L girder on the walls - It's screwed to the studs with 3 inch screws - but then the fact that my house was built in 1916 reared it's ugly, never a square corner head.  Sigh.

So what's a guy to do? mark a line, shave some wood, and try again:

Funny how that worked out.

Still have foam, cork, and track to lay, but man, it looks good!

Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

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I've been cutting and gluing

I've been cutting and gluing pink foam.  First you draw out the outline of the shore, with a crude mock up of the dock position:


Then you look at your reference photo for about 4 days to make sure you like the shore line you chose:


Then you caulk it down with all the weight you can find:


The top of the benchwork was already painted - don't worry folks, since I'm modeling an arm of the Mississippi River, it will be very brown soon enough.  Now I need to source a ton of bald cypress in N scale!


Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

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Lifeus Interuptus!

So, back when this all started, I had some pretty ambitious goals:

  1. Complete all remaining benchwork - this is easier then it sounds, as I have everything all set up modularly, so this is really an installation issue.
  2. Complete and wire all trackwork.
  3. Install remaining Humpyard Purveyance switch throws on  new benchwork segment to use track.
  4. paint fascia and install location sinage.

I managed to get #1 done, as documented here.  And, as you see, I've been working on #2 - atleast from a  foam gluing standpoint.  #3 is on hold - I still like the Humpyard throws, but I'm out of my supply, and have been working with my hobby budget to get other things I need.  Obviously #4 will be a tad challenging until I get through the other parts, but I have at least been working the signs.

There are still 4 days to go, so I am not thowing in the towel yet!


Philip H. Chief Everything Officer Baton Rouge Southern Railroad, Mount Rainier Div.

"You can't just "Field of Dreams" it... not matter how James Earl Jones your voice is..." ~ my wife

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