Ontario Eastern

Good day all,

I am working on part of my layout and am at the point of where I need to figure out my next step.  Since I  am in the modern era, I am in need of an over pass to go over my rail.  It must be for two lane traffic.  My question is, since there is nothing really modern out there yet for an over pass, I am stuck with what to do.  I have seen the RIX kit an to me its not modern enough by today's over passes.  Short of scratch building a mold, which I have never done I am stuck and need some guidence...or a shrink ray for 1:87 scale 


Ontario Eastern Railway / Great Lakes Regional Railway

Moncton, New Brunwsick

-4hrs UTC - Atlantic Standard Time

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I'd use the Rix kit

Remember that not everything in the modern era was built yesterday.  I've seen the Rix kit, and other than the decorative side railings, I don't see how it's anything but modern.  Replace the railings with solid styrene if they bother you.

Of course, you could just scratch build something.  They're not that complicated - either steel or concrete girders, with a concrete roadway and concrete sides.

Ken Rickman

Danville & Western HO modeler and web historian


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Michael Tondee

Rix "modern" overpass kit

Are we talking about the Rix "modern overpass kit" ? What about it isn't modern enough? Looks just like the ones I see every time I go into the big city.


Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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Ontario Eastern

May work..

The RIx may work, must have been looking in the wrong area...my bad.  I am wondering as with most over passes here in southern ontario, being solid, one could add extra styrene to make it look more solid...will have to get a kit an see what I can do with it


Ontario Eastern Railway / Great Lakes Regional Railway

Moncton, New Brunwsick

-4hrs UTC - Atlantic Standard Time

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Michael Tondee

Notice too, the extra railings available separately

Perhaps you could bash/scratch something more to your liking just using some of the Rix parts.


Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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Ken Biles Greyhart

Something Old, Something New


Remember that not everything in the modern era was built yesterday.

Remember that "modern" era is anything after about 1960. I know that when I drive around town I see a lot of bridges that are older than I am. You could always take an older bridge and distress it so that it looks to be 50 years old. That way it wouldn't be out of place.


 Ken Biles






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Ontario Eastern

thanks all

thanks for the comments and advice all...I will get my kit most likely next weekend and will play around with it.  Now if I wanted to do a concrete look to it, any advise on how to go about that one?


Ontario Eastern Railway / Great Lakes Regional Railway

Moncton, New Brunwsick

-4hrs UTC - Atlantic Standard Time

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My best advice on that one is

My best advice on that one is you paint it a concrete color.... 

I'm sorry, couldn't resist...the beer isn't helping either.

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Ontario Eastern


that is too funny, although you did remind me of a spray paint that has that texture to it in that color...so it was not a far out idea lol


Ontario Eastern Railway / Great Lakes Regional Railway

Moncton, New Brunwsick

-4hrs UTC - Atlantic Standard Time

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Kevin Rowbotham

Concrete Look


Now if I wanted to do a concrete look to it, any advise on how to go about that one?

Nathan Brown

Joe Fugate has some great ideas for making a concrete tunnel portal out of wood.  The final effect looked very convincing.  If you don't have Joe's Siskiyou Line scenery videos, they are well worth the price to download them and get nearly instant gratification.  The tunnel portal project is in part three, but honestly they are all worth owning and watching.

I have been using Woodland Scenics concrete pigment with a light India ink and alcohol wash over the dried painted on pigment.  I think it results in a very realistic concrete look.  It depends too, what area you are modeling as to what other aggregate is in the concrete that was used.  Also, aged concrete looks different from new concrete.


Appreciating Modeling In All Scales but majoring in HO!

Not everybody likes me, luckily not everybody matters.

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Yes, i have that textured

Yes, i have that textured paint.  Go for it.  One thing I did on an HO project (may not look good if in N) was spray it, wait until it dried, then painted over it using a similar colored acrylic paint.  Wait a little until the drying process begins, then dry brush it with a paint brush.  This creates a better texture for the concrete.  You should definitely play on a scrap piece first before doing the bridge.

Here's a pic.  The structure is made from poster board (cardboard roof).  It's hard to see, but it does look better than just the spray.


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Tell us...

So, how did your overpass finally work out? Photos?

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Ontario Eastern

not yet...

have to still get the kit, been working on benchwork as part of the 120 day challenge...so as soon as I have the kit and set it up I will post pictures


Ontario Eastern Railway / Great Lakes Regional Railway

Moncton, New Brunwsick

-4hrs UTC - Atlantic Standard Time

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