Michael Tondee

I have been an almost life long N-scale modeler.  My first train set was HO but it wasn't long till I gravitated to N and I've pretty much been an N -scale guy for the entire thirty four years I've been a "serious" model rail. Unfortunately though at the ripe old age of forty nine, I find that there are factors that have conspired against me where I no longer can continue to model in N. I have a bit of shakiness in my hands from meds I take and my eyesight isn't getting any better with age. My nerves aren't quite what they used to be either and I just have found that fooling with some of the small details in N has become so much of a chore and so tedious that I just rather not deal with it anymore. It was to the point where I wasn't enjoying the hobby and if you are not enjoying the hobby then why do it?

Today, I finished up dismantling the  N scale "San Miguel" which occupied a 10 X 13 spare bedroom  along with my computer, the desk it's on and my work table. Soon I will start an HO layout in this same space. I've already found a track plan I like, one that Byron Henderson has on his Layout Vision site.  It's his take on the MR Virginian project layout except it's not a 4x8.  It's what he would do with the 8x10 space that the proverbial 4x8 actually occupies when you count aisles around it. I haven't decided on a scenic theme yet but I love the plan. I doubt very seriously it will be an Appalachian coal hauler in my incarnation though! Whatever it is, it will be freelance as my layouts have always been. I try to follow rules of the prototype as best I can and I keep the era of all my equipment consistent but I'm not someone who is obsessed with prototypical accuracy to the point of being ridiculous about it.

So there it is, a new journey begins.....


Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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  Enjoy the ride   

Its your layout, enjoy the design and building......

Randy McKenzie
Virginia Southern - Ho triple decker 32x38

Digitrax Zephyr, DCC++EX, JMRI, Arduino CMRI
On Facebook:   http://www.facebook.com/groups/485922974770191/

Proto freelance merger of the CRR and Interstate

Based on the north end of the Clinchfield.



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