
Hi all,

My layout is loosely based on, or inspired by the Santa Fe branch from Phoenix to Ash Fork - Williams Junction in the early 1960's.

I want to buy some 10k gallon tank cars and maybe also some Atlas 11k gallons LPG cars for my layout and wonders which brand of oil companies would be most appropriate for the Prescott and Phoenix area in that time period.

Would it be something like Phillips 66, Gulf, Shell, Standard, Conoco or someone else?




The P&SF / My blog at MRH

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Russ Bellinis

The oil companies that I remember in So. Cal Arizona

in that time frame are Shell, Standard Oil, Phillips 66, Texaco, and Union 76.  I don't remember seeing Conoco out here, I don't think they have ever been out here in the Southwest unless they were in Texas New Mexico.  gulf was out here for a while, but I don't remember when it came out here or when it disappeared.  By the way Standard stations were known as Chevron Stations

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Thank you

Thank you for the information, Russ

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Old photo of tank car

I found an old photo from the Peavine of a tank car confirming your suggestions:


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Rio Grande Dan

Not to Bust any bodys Bubble CONOCO/Phillips Same company

CONOCO/ Phillips were the same company (See the following URL) for many years and Didn't split the two companies until 2011.

The main reason I know this is I owned 1200 Shares of the stock until 2010 oh and Union 76 is also owned by CONOCO/Phillips They were all over New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California and most of the United states.


Rio Grande Dan

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Russ Bellinis

They may have been the same company, but they did not

market anything out here under the Conoco name, unless it was buckets of oil.  All of their gas stations out here carried the Phillips 66 logo.  I'm not sure what logo their tank cars would have carried, that was 20 years before I got interested in trains again.  I was not suggesting nor was I even trying to say what company owned what name.  I was just trying to let a modeler in Norway know what name was on the local gas stations out here.  I have never seen a gas station with a Conoco logo on the West coast or in Arizona.  I won't say there weren't any, because someone may find a photo of one somewhere, but in extensive travels throughout California, Arizona, & Nevada, I never saw a Conoco Station.  I saw a lot of Union 76 (now branded as Unocal) and Phillips 66 stations out here, until the Phillips 66 signs were taken down and all of the stations rebranded to Union 76 and later Unocal. 

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Tank cars in Arizona

I recently acquired a Sanborn Fire Insurance map of Phoenix for 1959, and it lists Shell Oil and Richfield Oil both having a terminal in Phoenix. While exact addresses aren't provided, based on zone numbers, my best guess is that Shell would be in the same location that it is today, at 16th Av. and Buchanan, and that Richfield would be just across the street from it. Both would have been served by SP, and easily interchanged with ATSF.

Shell is still an active customer for UP today.

Sorry about the delay to your question, but I'm brand new here, and found this forum by Googling "Shell Oil Tank Cars."


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Thank you


Welcome to the forum.

Thank you. Never to late.

I do have CLIC-maps from 1987 showing Standard Oil and Arizona Refining at the Mobest Yard area.

I have called my "tankcarindustry" for Arizona Refining, but this can of course change.

Are you also modelling the Phoenix area around 1960?



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David Husman dave1905

None of the above

Actually most of the tank cars would probably be plain black tank cars with no billboard lettering.

Dave Husman

Visit my website :

Blog index:  Dave Husman Blog Index

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Thank you

Tank, thanks for allt the answers. I am trying not to be to serious with this as I live so far away. But like the information I get. There might be other questions on other stuff.

As I have written before,  I have never been to Arizona, nor the USA. But I hope one day to visit the Peavine teritories.

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Russ Bellinis

Arco is later than the early 1960's.

Gas Stations I recall from the 70s are Chevron, Exxon, Union 76, Shell, Texico,  Mobil, Arco,   Philips 66..? and Stanard...?

Arco is actually an acronym for Atlantic Richfield Corporation, and their stations were all Richfield stations until sometime in the 1980's when they shifted their marketing focus to become discount stations that no longer take credit cards (cash or debit only) and changed the name on the stations to Arco.  I haven't used an Arco station in so long, that I may be mistaken.  They may still take credit cards but charge an additional processing fee, I can't remember for sure.  This won't be an issue if you run plain black tank cars, per Dave's suggestion, but if you model an Atlantic Richfield terminal, gas station, or refinery, it should have a Richfield sign on it, not an Arco sign.

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Rio Grande Dan


I was born in Los Angeles California in 1952 and had a number of relatives that worked for the railroad. I can honestly say I have never seen a CONOCO Gas Station or Tank car with that name on it. But at the Phillips Gas stations the oil cans did have CONOCO Oil Co on the cans before 1960. My Fathers friend owned a Phillips Gas Station and we would sometimes hang out there on Saturday afternoons after lunch while my father worked on his truck or the family car and I would stack the oil cans in the center of the Station sales room and it made me wonder why the name on the oil cans were different from the station.


Rio Grande Dan

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Joe Brugger


Conoco franchised service stations in Idaho in the 1970s, at least. Probably Wyoming, Montana and Utah as well.  Friend of mine ran one. But that has nothing to do with Knut's question.

There is also the possibility of independents receiving material. In east Idaho, for example, Cowboy Oil distributed heating oil and other products.  There are undoubtedly similar operations in Knut's area of interest.

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