Terry Roberts

What is a good color for black iron used in steam yarders and related equipment?  I remember a lot of grungy looking black, but not really a lot of rust for well maintained equipment.  Old equipment used many years ago by my dad still doesn't have a lot of rust on it, just on the wear areas.  Bull rigging and other things dragged through the dirt, rocks, limbs and other stuff on the job that had paint scraped off are rusty. 

I'm thinking a tarnished black with a dark brown wash with wear areas a redder brown.

Comments please,


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Steam yarder


Here is a link to a logging museum in Tacoma, Washington called Camp Six (unfortunately, the museum closed in May and the displays are now being removed).  The large steam yarder they have seems, as you expected, to have a mix of painted steel and iron, with a large measure of rusty reddish-brown running parts:


Considering the environment logging equipment operated in (and still operates in), you probably can't go wrong with a good amount of sawdust and some rust on the heavy wear parts.

Good luck!  Post photos when you have some; logging equipment, regardless of the era, is interesting, and a great subject for models.






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Terry Roberts

rusty wear spots

If the equipment is in use the wear spots are not rusty, but relatively shiny steel or iron.  I saw a lot of shiny spots on in-use equipment while I was logging. Equipment would get a little rusty overnight, especially during an over night rain storm.  They would be gone after the first turn. 

The stuff in a museum normally has not turned a wheel in years and is more like equipment just sitting around not being used.  Look at an excavator or back hoe currently in use.



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Example of _working_state_ yarder in 2003

Dear Terry,

This might help...



Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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Terry Roberts


Thanks, it helps.  A lot more greasy dirt around the drums than I thought there would be.  I'm used to a 75' drumline rather than 500' or more of mainline.


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