
Hello everyone!

I'm hoping to get a little assistance.

I just received a Walthers kit, the Allied Rail Rebuilders, kit number 933-3016.

It is missing its instruction sheet. Does anyone have a set they could copy and mail to me? (USA)

I'm sure I could muddle through it ok, but I'd feel better with the instructions.

The kit is retired, Walthers can't help. Hopefully someone here can.

Thanks in advance,


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Never mind....

Got what I needed on another forum-



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Jack from Star, Idaho.  I purchased a kit made in Germany, it was a large three foot long arch bridge.  The bridge is beautiful now but putting it together was quite fun.  The instructions were all in German.  This could only happen to me...


Jack Strong

Jack From Star, Idaho

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Rio Grande Dan

Not the only one Jack

At least if instructions are in German you can get a translation with Google Translate and a little time. I bought 6 Ship models off the internet, E-Bay to be correct. There are 5 super detailed WWII Japanese War ships and a German Bismark Battleship with all instructions in both Chinese and Korean.

In 4 attempts to translate that failed I found that do to the different dialects and variety of pictographs they are close to impossible to translate. I found a company in Los Angeles that will translate the instruction Books and schematics/Plans for $45.00 each for three of the 10 page instruction booklets. the other three are $60.00, $70.00 and the Bismark 26 page booklet $85.00.

For awhile I thought I would just use the drawings to someday build these Models. I paid $135.00 for the 6 Models and once they arrived at my home I found out why the seller was selling them so cheaply. I found out they were engineering models and 1/48 scale pre-production models with all the detailed interiors of the ships. They were very nice even with working little water tight door geared hardware and hatches that latch dogs and hinged port holes.

I finally resold the models to a guy in Alaska for a little more than $300.00 on E-Bay. He is Chinese and was happy with the models and able to read the instructions.

I had thought about copying the Bismark instruction Book but in the end didn't. After that I learned to check the instructions or at least ask the sellers if the instructions were in English from then on but did double my money in the end. 

Rio Grande Dan

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Should it happen again...

Should it happen again, where you get instructions only in Chinese, let me know. A guy at work may be able to translate.


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Rio Grande Dan


Thanks Stogie! I buy many older un-assembled models from E-Bay and do receive some models with instructions I can't translate myself so it's good to know of someone that can help.

Rio Grande Dan

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