
The only way to get to the little town of Copperfield. The mine was expanding to the East, the road to Copperfield will be ate away by the mine, so they built this one-way tunnel to gain access to this community.

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Michael Watson


Thank you for sharing. Neat sideline to an amazing industry. All that work, and engineering, lost, just to be buried by ( I am guessing ) greed to extract more and more and more.


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Great, I remember going there

Great, I remember going there as a kid in the late 1960,s, sad I did not understand much back then or I would have gotten many a photo.

we as a Nation should remember our past as it really happened.

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More at Utah rails

There is an article on this at Utah Rails. Unless you have been at the observation point at the copper mine you can't begin to believe the size of the mine now. For many years the ore was removed by rail.

 In 2019  Rio Tinto Kennecott  stated they had produced 20 million tons of refined copper ore from the Bingham Canyon Mine in the 116 years since operation started in 1903. The production of this copper was made possible because they make more money from the rare metals they extract with the copper than from the copper. Gold is only one of them.

Bingham Canyon photos at Utah Rails

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