
Hi all,

I have, for the past several weeks, been in the process of trying add a longer bridge and pit to an Atlas turntable. I have been having problems with the pit and bridge. I messed up the cutting of the pit and it is not exactly circular and the central pivot that the bridge rotates on is not exactly centered, so the bridge is liable to bind as it rotates. I have done my best to fill in the pit to get it circular, but the bridge is still an issue.

What does anyone recommend to do? For reference the longest locomotive that I would like to turn on a regular basis is a Bachmann 2-10-0 or 2-8-0, roughly 10” long coupler to coupler. Thanks.

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HVT Dave

Pics please


Can you post a couple of pictures showing what is happening?  That will help us better understand what you are trying to do.


Member of the Four Amigos


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If pit is not truly circular and the bridge pivot point is not centered, then consider it a learning experience and try again. Boy, that sounds better than "You botched it"!  Having the turntable bridge pivot point accurate in being centered is critical if you expect the silly thing to work without troubles. A pit that is not perfectly circular is not an issue as long as the turntable bridge track and the individual feeder tracks line up no matter which way the bridge has been turned. 

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