
I'm considering making a simplified layout using hollow core doors.Lowes sells a black fiber board that have used before on traditional bench work. My previous experience with hollow core doors using foam laminated to the door it seemed to amplify unwanted sound.The product from lowes is IMP Sheath coat. it's made of some kind of fiber with the surface is like a black oil impregnated oil.Yeh it has an smell for about a month.Now my question is, if I use this instead of foam would it be quiter?

Mark Kingsbury
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TO get quiet running, you

TO get quiet running, you want dense material (not heavy, just dense) Hollow core doors, being hollow are the opposite of dense. Foam as well is the opposite of dense.

Joe did a run like a dream post on this I think, but as I recall, the best materials were Drywall, Homasote/fiberboard, masonite and quality plywood.

So I personally would go with that product you were looking at. 


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