
Hey All,

I was In Oxford PA a few weeks ago and stumbled onto some very cool structures that are very model worthy.

I will probably try to scatchbuild the grain elevator for my layout, there seems to be several lumber industries alone the branch also.

I've been looking for a grain elevator up north for a while and this looks like an easy scatch build.

Hope you like them


dscn0219.jpg scn0214a.jpg scn0216a.jpg scn0205a.jpg scn0196a.jpg scn0193a.jpg scn0197a.jpg scn0198a.jpg scn0199a.jpg scn0200a.jpg scn0201a.jpg 

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Hobo Al

The real stuff!

Nothin' like the real thing! Those buildings are gorgeous. Thanks for posting!


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Looks like an awesome industry!

I might have to try to include some version of this for my proto-freelanced Pennsylvania & Allegheny RR ! Thanks for posting this!

Ken L.

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