
At the end of many of TMTV's videos, there can be references to other topics.  However, because none of the videos appear to be dated, can you explain how to find the referenced videos? 


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Use the search feature


At the end of many of TMTV's videos, there can be references to other topics. However, because none of the videos appear to be dated, can you explain how to find the referenced videos?

The search feature works pretty good on the website. And if that's not good enough, you can also do a website only Google search by adding: site:trainmasters.tv (no spaces)

For example, to do a TMTV site search for videos on turnouts, type this into a google search box or your browser address line:

turnouts site:trainmasters.tv

Click this link to see the results from this search:

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


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