
Hey all,

It's been a month or two since I've posted any updates but here's the latest on my little n scale shelf layout for those who may be interested. Thanks for taking a look! 

— Sean

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J Emerson


Sean, I’ve not seen your blog before—that concrete sea wall is beautiful!  I’ve got several areas that will need sea walls, this is a method I will experiment with, it’s excellent.

Modeling the Maine coast from the comfort of Colorado


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Thank you!

I didn't go into any depth as to how I painted it and if you want an in-depth tutorial, check out Fos Scale Models YouTube, Doug has been doing a few on how he does stuff and it's been fun to learn from him—I saw the seawall video over on his channel, worth the watch. 

It took a few tries to get everything looking the way I wanted but overall I'm happy with how they turned out and I'm glad I tried the technique. Have fun in your endeavors and I appreciate you taking the time to give it a watch.


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Neat concrete wall

The scene is really coming together. Thanks for passing along the idea of weathering concrete ahead of time. 

Thomas W. Gasior MMR

Modeling northern Minnesota iron ore line in HO.

YouTube: Splitrock323      Facebook: The Splitrock Mining Company layout

Read my Blog


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Thanks for the comment and giving a watch Thomas!


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Robert Manktelow


Needed some inspiration for a new N scale and I now have it .Really liked the video tour, it was clear and informative. 

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Thanks for giving it a watch Robert! It may or may not be what you're looking for or help at all, but I have a bunch of other updates I've posted on the channel if you want to check those out as well.

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