Michael Tondee

Before my recent hiatus from working on the layout I could have sworn I had my test version of DCC++ hooked up and running and I did at one point. I remember having to go back and catch a couple of feeder drops on some spurs and gaping some frog rails on my Peco turnouts.

Fast forward to two days ago. The DCC ++ system is still not completely fleshed out. Because I'm using my desktop PC to run things right now, the Arduino and power supply had to be temporarily  relocated and it feeds the buss at a different place from my where I use to feed it with my old Digitrax system. I did the new hookup and had an instant and baffling short. Turns out that I had never cut the four gaps I thought I did. How I convinced myself I did, I don't know but I spent a couple of hours troubleshooting last night before I realized they had never been done.  Couldn't find my stash of cutoff wheels so had to wait till I could get out to the store today to get some. Got them cut and now all is well. Time to clean track and run some trains!

BTW, the difference installing metal wheelsets on a couple of my Accurail cars made is amazing! They are much more free rolling now. Costly buying them in small quantities, works out about six bucks a car but worth it. Now time to save up and buy some in bulk.

Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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