Andy Rinella arinella


It's a "workbench" in function only, yeah. But over one weekend earlier this winter, I was able to set up a permanent, organized workspace that was not a) my computer desk orb) the floor, since one of these options was detrimental to my actual job-related productivity, and the other was detrimental to my increasingly-decrepit body (being a hockey goalie does not make you feel younger, believe me).

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I repurposed the plastic drawer tower from my computer desk (and have been waiting on an Ikea replacement for months) to hold as much material as I could manage. The top drawer holds a couple dozen bags full of details and other small parts, the bottom, scenery materials, and the middle, assorted styrene sheet, track, and whatever didn't make sense elsewhere. Large sheets of material are stored along the outside next to the table legs.

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I also built a couple simple organizers from basswood sheet. One holds paint, weathering powders, glues, and tools; the second, styrene strips and rod. It's not a lot of space, but it's enough for all but the largest modeling projects on a small layout. And most importantly, it's relatively neat and out of the way in a room that gets a lot of other use. (Alas, I still haven't used it as a workbench, by the way. Eight-foot boards don't fit.)

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Looks good!

Hopefully you will remain more organized than I could ever be, and it will stay organized - and with free space on it to work on things.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix/My blog index
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

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Loren Clarke lclarke1959

Well worth the effort.

You did a great job of getting your workbench functional and practical. I am sure that you will quickly notice the rewards for all of your efforts.

Loren Clarke - Fort Worth, Texas

Modeling the Pittsburg & Shawmut railroad.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above". James 1:17

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Now mess it up

that's what those things are for....DaveB

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Pickup Trucks and Workspaces

" Now mess it up: that's what those things are for"

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