Steve Watson SteveWatson

My kitbash of the Walthers papermill (which in my world represents just the offices and outbound warehouse) is done and in place. The core of the connecting bridge to the main plant is built, and awaits cladding in siding-type textured styrene:


Since there's a bunch of scratch building coming, I decided this would be the ideal time to unbox the new Cricut and learn how to use it. But also, I decided I should lay the trackage first, and build the structures around it. So I set aside the last bits of that project in a work tray, and dig out my Fast Tracks stuff. In the course of that I run across all the leftover Pikestuff from the transfer terminal kitbash (which is -- good grief! -- five years ago), and start tinkering with it to see what I can make. Which results in setting aside the turnout stuff and starting in on the Pikestuff, at which point my workbench looks like this:


A couple of days later, and I've got less miscellaneous Pikestuff, and two little buildings. I've got no idea what they are or where they'll go, but it was an enjoyable diversion. Now back to turnout laying....



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very good work

Modeling one section of a paper plant makes good sense.  The whole thing takes a huge amount of room.

I like your worktable.  I also have to clear tools out of the way to actually work on anything   hanging around from N years ago.  Those blue buildings are cute.  They could be any industry.

--  Doug -- Modeling the Norwottuck Railroad, returning trails to rails.

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