Tim Schwartz tschwartz

I had space in my town for one more business and couldn’t decide what to place there. I asked my wife if she would like to build a Quilt Shop. She thought it would be fun to do with me so the project began. I gave her the Walthers catalog and let her pick a building. The best fit for size on the layout an ability to display items in the shop for people to see, was the cornerstone Hobby Shop model (933-3475). It affords big windows for people to peer in the windows to see what the miniature shoppers are doing in the store.

As with most real projects my wife and I have tackled, I do the construction and she does the decorating. I built and painted the kit, added the interior walls, carpet, shelf units, cutting table, sales desk, shelves and built several items often found in a quilt store. Much of the quilt products are photo reduced photos. Some are wrapped or glued onto styrene to give depth. I also found numerous paper folding projects for doll houses that I reduced to HO and folded those around styrene for a cash register, computer, an tv. I used some of the tables chairs and cabinets from kits Inter-Action Enterprises offers. 
The Store name is based on my wife’s quilting business and features actual quilts designed by her and her friend as part of their design business.

This is now the most detailed interior of any building on the layout.



My wife provides many more photos of the interior if you are interested it seeing more.

Tim Schwartz

Tim Schwartz Having fun in HO
Follow Me at Schist Lake Models 
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Craig Townsend

Quilter Wives

My wife is a quilter as well.. Something about these two different hobbies draws us together. If you haven't seen "by the yard" comic, check it out. The artist is a quilter who has a model railroader husband. https://bytheyardcomics.com/
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long arm quilter - scratchbuilding project

Your next project should be to scratchbuild a long arm quilt machine.  I know you have a prototype nearby to use for measurements...

That is a really nice model, you both should be proud.

Marc Simpson

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Artistic minds

Quilters and railroaders have artistic minds and see most things just a little different from every one else!    Russ 

http://trainmtn.org/tmrr/index.shtml  Worlds largest outdoor hobby railroad 1/8th scale 37 miles of track on 2,200 acres
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My mother and a few friends are quilters

As such I have occasionally found myself in quilt shops.

The detail in that shop is incredible.

I shudder at the thought of cutting fat quarters in HO scale, though.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix/My blog index
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

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