Robin W

Hello to Rail Road Modeler's !!!

This picture here is a corner diorama that has survived from the previous layout, I plan on adding this into the new layout i am currently building, and designing as i go. 

way Back i would have to say about some forty years ago, i would always spend a week with my Grandparents out in the country, and we would always go and visit other relatives, one was Aunt Minnie, and Uncle Forest, they had a Farm in south central Indiana, i remember shucking corn, picking beans, helping out with what i could do as a 9 year 

this is a simple farm house that i have had. and realized it resembled the farm house that belonged to my Grandmothers Aunt. which i guess would make her my Great, great Aunt??... meh..titles ...doesnt matter she was family, that's all that matters. .. I remember the layout of the land and  well, here it is.. tree in the front, Barn in the back , cows to the simply speaking, the house color is a little too dark, but the over all structure is accurate. i showed this to another family member , and they started laughing and said well done. its missing a few trees but, .. its Aunt Minnie's place.. 

[attach:fileid=/sites/ W/Aunt%20Minnie's%20Farm.jpg]

Robin in AZ


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Aunt Minnie's Farm

Nice diorama. It needs a nice rolling hills, forested backdrop and it would look just right for southern Indiana.

Rich V.

Corydon, Indiana

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Michael Tondee


Very cool to preserve memories in that way.

Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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Robin W

thank you guys ..

i just noticed the pic was too big and did not show the Barn ..0Farm(1).jpg 

Robin in AZ


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Moe line


Looks great, I want to do a farm scene on my layout, of the farm in northern Minnesota where I grew up. It had many buildings, some of which are easily modeled using kit bashed Walthers farm house, barn, hog house, chicken coop, etc. The hardest building to model for my farm is the Quonset building, because it was designed and built by the previous owner of the farm before my grandparents purchased it in 1947. It is way larger than a WWII era Quonset hut building that is available from some vendors. Our Quonset was 32 feet wide, by 60 feet long and 24 feet tall, with straight walls. I have to use grain bin kits heavily kit bashed to create a reasonable Quonset model.

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