Greg Baker Mountaingoatgreg

Here is a building I had sitting around that I finally finished up. It is Wichers Washers by SS Ltd. I added the detail kit that they sell that has all the washing machines and some other details. These kits take some time but with a little effort can really be a nice piece to add to a layout.

The Fire Escape Side

The Rail side

"Mountain Goat" Greg Baker

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Joe Brugger

Nice job, Greg. The swap meet

Nice job, Greg. The swap meet season is starting in my area and one of the things to look for is heavily discounted structure kits. Is that a resin kit, and if so, what do you do for prep and painting?

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Greg Baker Mountaingoatgreg

Joe, This is a resin kit from


This is a resin kit from Scale Structures, I follow there recomendation of warm soap and water to clean it up. I then use floquil paint in a red color for the base coat of the brick. From there I use washes and sponges to fill in the mortar and paint the walls. Details, such as windows and doors are painted with a brush using acrylic paint.

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