Robin W

Hello to all, here is the next addition to the layout. 

The Model Power City Power Station kit. I got this kit some some time ago and have finally got around to assembling it. there are many small pieces the kit even mentions there are over 188 pieces. from the Iron girder super structure to the small insulators that are 2 pieces. tht glue around the cables the Piston breakers are 3 pieces and the step down transformer contains around 20 pieces. I wont lie at first i was swearing under my breath trying to glue the small insulators and silver gray caps on . But as it started coming together i found it enjoyable, especially since this is close to my profession , (electrician ). the Power station will be occupying the space moving down the track from the WMT scrap yard. check out the picture, I'M going to start weathering it in the next few days . 0Station.JPG 

Robin in AZ


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Lancaster Central RR

It’s actually a substation. Model Power labeled it inaccurately.

Looks nice. Are you going to include a fence to keep out trespassers and children? I didn’t see one in the kit photo but every installation has to have one. I was working at a hydro dam the other month and got to see the other end of the high voltage side. 

Lancaster Central Railroad &

Philadelphia & Baltimore Central RR &

Lancaster, Oxford & Southern Transportation Co. 

Shawn H. , modeling 1980 in Lancaster county, PA - alternative history of local  railroads. 

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Michael Tondee


The fit I had getting my ME Tall Steel Viaduct together, I can't imagine building that. Nice work!

Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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Robin W

yes accuratly said

substation is the accurate title, i plan on putting the chain length fence in once it is permanantly in placed on the lay out.  The insulators that go around the cables was the hardest part. That would be pretty cool to see the inside of a hydro dam. I work on the other side of the spectrum , as a commercial Electrician. thankyou for the regards Mike!! keep a Rail Road'n

Robin in AZ


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