
I'm working on a deal to bring three of my old Frisco Front Range GP7's (that I built in the late 1980s early 1990s) back home to me after 20 years. One of them will need a short hood side handrail (but I don't know if left or right as yet).

Any of you have some handrails for the old Front Range GP7 laying around that you could part with? I already have two Front Range GP7's painted for my KC&G that are also from those days that I will be puting into service, and this will give me three more, so it would probably be a good idea to have some replacements handrails on hand.

How 'bout it? Can any of 'ya help a brutha' out?



Kansas City & Gulf: Ozark Subdivision, Autumn of 1964
The "Mainline To The Gulf!"
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