
I know several of you have expressed dislike for the new positioning of the comments box, but you need to know we have received a lot of emails recently from people complaining about how hard this site was to use for commenting in the wake of my latest editorial in the Nov/Dec issue.

Plain and simple, putting the comments box at the head of the thread just under the initial post makes it really obvious and simple for newcomers who wonder how to post a comment.

Long story short, if we'd all like newcomers to feel this site makes it easy and obvious how to post a comment, then this feature needs to stay - and the rest of us just need to "get used to it".

I'm also aware of a couple web browser glitches that seem to be related to this change, and we're working on those.

--Joe Fugate

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Rio Grande Dan

I would say in view of and

I would say in view of and for the benefit of all our new New members, I think we can live with this format until the format can be found that works the best for all concerned and also for now while your trying to go monthly I'm sure you have so much more to worry about than the few of us that understand and got used to the old way. This may end up being the best way so maybe we should accept it.


Rio Grande Dan

Reply 0

Is it possible....

.... to have the comment box not so large until someone starts typing it? Or maybe have "Post a New Comment" a clickable "link" that opens open the comment box?  I understand the desire to make it easier for new users to comment on things, but maybe that would bring the "best of both worlds"???


Ken L

Reply 0

Link to comment box anchor?


Would it be possible (okay, it's Drupal, I know it's possible, but is it easily possible?) to have an anchor tag on the comment box at the bottom of the page and a "Post new Comment" link to it in nice big text right below the original post? 

It might be interesting to try that out and see what people thought of it.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix/My blog index
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

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Bob Langer

How about...

How about a big button that is impossible miss?  That would solve the how to problem and still make it obvious to the new user.

I do find all that white space aggravating.  And until I continued to scroll down didn't know there were responses.  If others think the same that would defeat the purpose.

Bob Langer,

Facebook & Easy Model Railroad Inventory

Photographs removed from Photobucket.

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I think Jeff's idea has merit ...

I think Jeff's idea has merit. Let me look into a big "post comments" button on the top of the thread with an anchor that jumps to the comment box on the bottom.

That will take a few days to engineer ...

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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I like the location

I am a new member and fairly new to internet communication, (yes I am an old timer, but trying to learn), I liked the location.  I thought it sent the message - MRH invites your comments. 


Jim Dixon    MRM 1040

A great pleasure in life is doing what others said you were not capable of doing!   

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Ken Landaiche


Every post has a "reply" button. Could that be enlarged?

Now, if you could have a post's "reply" show up just after that post, that would be interesting.


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