
Hey Guys,

I was just thinking about this the other day, I like using Joe's Zip texturing method and it has alway been repeatable.

Its easy to get the same colors following the mix formulas, But I was just thinking.

Since the mixtures are basically colored plaster, has anyone ever tried making rock castings with the mixed plaster.

It would seem to me if you made the mix up, and poured the mold then the plaster would be the same color all the way through.

Just a thought



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Rio Grande Dan

Try it

Dry colors have a different look than Mixed because as you notice in order to make these colors solid it would take a lot more paint as you would still need to maintain the aspect ratio of paint to plaster. so if a color took two parts black two parts yellow and 5 parts plaster you would need to mix a batch up with :

2 Cups Black

2 Cups Yellow

5 cups plaster

Take these quantities and blend them together and then mix up with water: only problem with all that paint in the mix the plaster wouldn't dry properly and your colors may be off or gummy, but try it and let us know if it works.

Actually use one of Joes actual formulas not that thing I made up above.


Rio Grande Dan

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