
I use the "recent posts" page as my primary access to the website.  On that page, we have options for "my recent posts", and "all recent Posts".  An additional option would be nice - titled "all New Posts".  It would have a subset of the "all Recent Posts", but only entries that have new posts would be listed.  Is that possible, and is it of interest?



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Works that way now

It seems that is exactly what recent posts does. Lists all posts with new entries since your last visit.


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Not here. Once

you've viewed one, it's still there in the list, but has no "new entry count".  What I'm talking about is having only topics with new entries; that's all.  Go ahead, refresh the page - the ones where you've read the recent postings are still there.


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is it of interest? No


It would have a subset of the "all Recent Posts", but only entries that have new posts would be listed.  Is that possible, and is it of interest?

No.  I have no problems finding the new stuff.



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" it's still there in the


" it's still there in the list, but has no "new entry count"." 

  Are you signed in?  My browser shows new entries with unread notes below the one's I haven't yet read.....DaveB 

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Yaron Bandell ybandell


I see what you are saying. When using "recent posts" the list shows all the posts that have been either updated or had responses posted to it in new-to-old order regardless of you having read all those topics or not. You are proposing a list that shows the same but applies an extra filter on top of the 'new-to-old' order that only displays posts that have a 'new' or 'updated' status for you, so once you've read that topic, you'd expect it to disappear from that list all together. I'm not sure if it would have value for me based on how I read topics on the forum.

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Photo Bud

Personally, I like it like it is.

But then, that's me. lol

Bud (aka John), The Old Curmudgeon

Fan of Northern Pacific and the Rock Island

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What part of "additional option" wasn't clear?  I'm not proposing either item that is there now be changed.  Just add a new way of viewing the recent forum content.  I generally read all the new content of a topic, then move on to the next.  Sometimes, I miss that a topic has an update because it's in a long list of items I've already read, whereas if the proposed list existed, I'd see all items that still have posts that are new to me.  If I were to decide to go back and re-read a new entry, then I'd still have access via the "all recent posts" tab.

It was just a thought, 


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Photo Bud

Wasn't Trying to Deprecate Your Idea.

My post was in response to, "Is that possible, and is it of interest?". That's all.

Bud (aka John), The Old Curmudgeon

Fan of Northern Pacific and the Rock Island

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Michael Tondee

I'm not opposed to what you

I'm not opposed to what you propose nor do I mean to put it down in any way either but honestly, I think it's just fine the way it is.

Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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Not worth it

As I understand, the forum software is of an older version and making changes or upgrades would be prohibitive cost wise.


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I think it would be great if the forum software supports it.

Jeff Mutter, Severna Park, MD


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The Forum already does this.

This is what I see when I go to the Recent Posts page:


I can see at a glance that there are 5 new threads.

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Ken Rice

Unread posts

Will, I believe what Blair is asking for is a view that shows only unread posts.  So to use your example, in the view he wants, “Power Prices” and “Filtering Posts” would not show up at all.

I don’t think I’d find that view useful.  The current recent posts view works reasonably well for me.

The only minor difficulty I have with the recent posts view is “finding my spot” for lack of a better phrase.  I don’t read all the threads.  I do read some of them (probably 1/3 - 1/2).  When I come back to the forum after a day or more of not checking it, the spot I need to pick up reading from is usually at least on the second page, sometimes the third page of recent posts.  It’s not easy to pick out the threads I am reading with a number of new posts from the threads I’m not interested in at a glance, I need to read (and think about) the thread titles.  If I end up replying to a thread the problem gets a little worse still, because the thread I replied to disappears from the view entirely - it’s now back on the first page.  That makes your eye have to rescan the page to pick up where your “spot” is again, since the best context want away.  It’s just a minor problem, and I’m not sure if there’s a good solution given the way this forum gets used, so I’m fine with the current recent posts view overall.

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As I understand, the forum software is of an older version and making changes or upgrades would be prohibitive cost wise.

Thanks, but Dave's comment above nailed it. This is older forum software that we (generally) don't mess with down in the programming code. If we can find a feature that already exists somewhere that does this we will turn it on.

Unfortunately, so-called simple requests aren't so simple. To do what you ask would mean the server would need to produce different views for different members who are logged in, increasing the server load. We already get thousands of visits per day, so adding custom views for users will greatly increase the load on our server.

In short, it would cost a pretty penny to find and pay some programmers to make said change, and then it would likely increase the load on our server, meaning our hosting provider would want more money each month to host our site.

Right now, MRH is quite funds constrained. Running Extra has helped, but it's not taken off as well as we would have liked. If you're sitting on the fence about Running Extra but would like to help out, then please go ahead and give RE a try. Meanwhile, the MRH Store and TrainMasters TV are doing very well but we don't like to drain one leg of the business to prop up another.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Well, Joe,

I understand that completely.  But from my distance, with no exposure or interest in the forum's underlying dated base code, I can't tell what would be a simple change, vs. what is impossible.  Besides, suggestions about things that can't be done now, shouldn't be dismissed, as they might be a click away in a new forum platform.  

Anyway, enough bandwidth has been devoted to this, as it doesn't seem to be either of interest to most.  No biggie.


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Besides, suggestions about things that can't be done now, shouldn't be dismissed, as they might be a click away in a new forum platform.

Oh, I completely agree. We do plan to move to an updated platform here eventually, and we're certainly keeping any suggestions in mind when we move.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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