
Has anyone had the occasion to need to 'clean up' older, used Peco PL10 controllers? I got a whole box of them recently that probably came off someones layout, and then set around for quite awhile. Some work perfectly smooth, and others are the slightest bit stiff. 

Could they be soaked in something, then left to dry out totally before use.?,....something like that CRC electronic cleaner??


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Don't Soak in Petroleum Based Cleaner

I would never resort to a petroleum based cleaner like CRC as it could dissolve the lacquer insulation on the wire. I have used detergent and water to clean Peco PL-10 Turnout Motors (Solenoids) followed by a blasts of air and drying in a low temp oven or in front of a heater. After the PL-10 are thoroughly dry I follow up with a some silicone spray which will lubricate and protect the mechanism. If the solenoids are working OK and not too dirt, I would just brush off any hairballs and lubricate.


Ken K


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