
First full update in over a year and a half...



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Rick Sutton


Just finished watching the video and I really enjoyed it. Is the layout ever open for public viewing? The path you chose to run your railroad is very interesting and I would love to see it sometime. 

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That's a long way to cover

That's a long way to cover San Diego to Seattle!  The layout in your video is one of the more massive home layouts I've seen.    You cram a heck of a lot of railroad in the space with all those decks - holy crap - 4 decks.  I would assume there is a small army of hobbyists who have contributed - either that or you are independantly wealthy!  :D

I have to admit, I'll be also proto-lancing my planned layout as it will be the easiest to incorporate features I want without getting too much into the minutiae of all the industries etc.

I visited the Owens Valley as a geology student at California State University Sacramento - interesting route to follow.

Having grown up in California, I enjoy the theme and setting for your layout.  It would be very cool to see such a layout with 70's era trains running!


Jim Fitch
northern VA

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I'd say that it is an ambitious project....

....but ya'll seem to have it so well in hand that it doesn't seem ambitious at all - just big. 

Interesting route you've chosen - I'm going to be interested in seeing how you get from Wishram to Seattle. 

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix/My blog index
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

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