Greg Williams GregW66

I have at long last bought a Proto 2000 BL2 undecorated unit. I am fond of anything so ugly that it is beautiful (I am a living example). I want to do it up in Bangor and Aroostook. I've found lots of pics online for detailing ideas.

I'm seeking out an expert on such a thing. I want to know at what time the solid blue scheme was applied and who does the best decals for same? Also which brand/color of paint is best for the B&A Blue?


Greg Williams
Superintendent - Eastern Canada Division - NMRA
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For decals I use Microscale MC -4133, I have a friend do my painting so I am no help there. Also check photos of the unit you wish to model, #55 had an odd bell, gong type I think.  Also on the P2k shells check the grabs on the front as I believe they are on the wrong side of the nose if that makes a difference to you.  shot of the nose of #56

I have a few of these as model Maine roads, some of the old brown box units I have powered with Kato drive lines, not all that hard but not easy either, but they do run so much better.  Good luck and enjoy, Jim

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It would really look good

In FEC red and yellow????. Here is fair photo of my FEC 601


Bill Michael

Florida East Coast Railway fan

Modeling FEC 5th District in 1960 


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