
As I am getting ready to start construction on my newest layout, the May Valley Railroad, I was contemplating roadbed material vs noise. My plan is to use 2" foam board over a light wood frame. But I have heard others in the past complain about the noise from this type of construction.  I have been told that it is kind of like a drum radiating noise from the trains. All of that said I was wondering if anyone has used Homosote for roadbed on top of a foam board top..... and if so does it help with the noise? Or is the noise not so bad where the Homosote can be replaced with cork. Or maybe the foam board top is not the best way to go if noise is a concern? 

Loving Life in Northern Colorado



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Foam Drum

Dear Dale, Reccomend plugging the Search term "Foam Drum" into the Search box at top right of this page. Should take you straight to a pair of threads of that name by forum member "pelsea" which investigated and documented exactly what the acoustic and sonic behaviours of foam benchwork was/is. Definitely a worthy read, and will likely address many of your questions .. Happy modelling, Aim to Improve, Prof Klyzlr
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A very worthy read

Thanks for that suggestion Prof.....it is in fact a very worthy read for anyone who is concerned about noise. My takeaway from those treads is I need to re-evaluate how I intend to build my railroad. I will most likely go with the foam glued down to either plywood or MFD as that seems to be the quietest method, although it will make things weigh more than I wanted it seems there is a cost of noise to go with lighter options. I was intending to build the layout as a sectional in the 'just in case I have to move' thoughts. But in reality I don't see that happening anytime in the near future so I am throwing out the sectional concept. 

Loving Life in Northern Colorado



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