
Has anyone else been experiencing a problem with contacting a seller on eBay posted items?

There use to be a 'contact seller box' on the item's page, usually down towards the lower area of the first page of a listing. It has disappeared for me over the past month or so.

There was an item posted just recently that listed some defects, but as I looked thru the photos I thought I saw a few more defects that were originally listed. I wanted to ask the seller a question about this, BUT could not find a box/button/ whatever method to pose that question to the seller????


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Neil Erickson NeilEr

Contact Seller

It is sort of hidden under the sellers username marked “More”. 

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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Gary Yurgil

This is what I have

Here is a screen shot of the CONTACT SELLER line when I go to eBay.  Maybe it is different for you.


Gary - HO wanabe

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This is what I see........

.......when I open a listing:


To contact the seller I need to click on his name and then ones sees contact at top right.



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