Dan Pugatch Breakwater Branch

Anyone else getting "! Could not find app We are sorry-the app cannot be loaded at this time Retry."

I just downloaded the app for the first time ever, on Android 8.0.0

Freelance HO Scale set in 1977-1984 Portland, Maine.
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App needs and refresh

The app is not working on iOS either. Since our app developers are a 8 to 5 concern, the earliest we can work on this will be Monday. 

Thank you for your patience. 

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix/My blog index
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

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Hasn't worked

The app hasn't worked in quite some time.  I have tried on several occasions to download it and everytime I got the same message.

Nelson Beaudry,  Principle/CEO

Kennebec, Penobscot and Northern RR Co.

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Moe line

Forum fails on app

I have had the MRH app on my tablet for quite some time, and it does not work for reading forum pages, it will only show the original post, or the very last comment made on a post, and nothing in between. There also didn't appear to be any way to post or comment on the forum, so I just close the app, and use the regular internet web page to access the forum pages. It is too bad the app doesn't work right, because it would make reading the forum posts easier on an Android tablet or phone.

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Works as designed


It is too bad the app doesn't work right, because it would make reading the forum posts easier on an Android tablet or phone.

Works as designed -- it's an RSS feed reader and that's all. If you know how RSS feeds work, they give you a sense of what's new, but you need to go to the actual website to read the full thread or to post new content.

Working exactly as designed. For a free app, it does a LOT. To make it do more would triple or quadruple the cost. Maybe a kickstarter is needed?

As for this website, it's badly in need to a new mobile-friendly redesign. That's on the to-do list, but for an outfit where a lot of this stuff is free, a total redesign is a mammoth effort and progressing very slowly. We will get there eventually.

It's free, remember? One price of free is less functionality because there are no resources for uber-fancy.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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By the way, the magazine is back

The magazine reader part of the app is back now. The developers fixed it. As for the Android version of the app and its issues, that's still being worked on.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Dan Pugatch Breakwater Branch

Re: App

Appreciate the app and it being back up. Thank you!

Freelance HO Scale set in 1977-1984 Portland, Maine.
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