John Buckley roadglide

No, not twerking. Tweaking..looking at the design of the new layout and changing things up as something doesn't look right. I started out with a plan that I thought would encompass everything I like, or almost everything, but it was a bit too much. Started with 7 industries. Got that down to 4, plus a depot. Had 2 mainlines and a long passing siding. And a shorter passing siding.


After giving that a lot of thought, I took out the short passing siding and changed the industrial sidings a bit. Made a couple of the industries larger to have more car spots. Not perfect, but better.


Finally I think I have it right. Mainline on the outer loop. Secondary line on the inner loop. If I want to run a train around the longest loop I can use the crossover at the top. Otherwise one train stays on the outer loop. The local can use the inner to work the industries without fouling the main. There are times when I want to sit and just watch a train roll by. Working on a model for example. The number of car spots has increased as well. Should not have any problems filling an hour or so of operating time.


Here it is with everything included.



COO, Johnstown & Maryville RR


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It seems that you have done your homework well.

Nick Biangel 


Reply 0

Read that wrong

Saw it as "Twerking and twerking". Not too sure what I was expecting...

Ooooooo, is that the door?!  Later!


 “If it moves and it shouldn’t, use duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it should, use WD40.”

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Graeme Nitz OKGraeme


...I would like to try one of Dukes Cold Nose Brown Ales! 

Graeme Nitz

An Aussie living in Owasso OK

K NO W Trains

K NO W Fun


There are 10 types of people in this world,

Those that understand Binary and those that Don't!

Reply 0
Graeme Nitz OKGraeme


...I would like to try one of Dukes Cold Nose Brown Ales! 

Graeme Nitz

An Aussie living in Owasso OK

K NO W Trains

K NO W Fun


There are 10 types of people in this world,

Those that understand Binary and those that Don't!

Reply 0
John Buckley roadglide


Its actually a real brew made at a micro brewery here in jacksonville, fl.



COO, Johnstown & Maryville RR


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Nick Santo amsnick



I assume it's a Florida railroad, current period or close.  Looks like a good start.


Nick Home of the Decoder Buddy

Full disclosure: I am the inventor of the Decoder Buddy and I sell it via the link above.

Reply 0

That beer does sound good.

That beer does sound good.

Tim S. in Iowa

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Some Potential Ideas For You

I do like the transformation from your initial design to the latest one, but I have a few suggestions I would make if i were building this. 

I would remove most of the outer loop. I don't see it adding a lot of value. You could still have a train running on the main loop without a lot of attention. You would lose having a train running on the outer loop while switching, but I think you would have some switching nightmares trying to do that.

You have taken away the passing sidings/runarounds on the inner loop. You need them as you have industries coming off the main line in both directions. By taking away the outer loop you could have a few passing sidings.

I would remove the outer loop from the staging to just past the brewery, turn that switch around and start a siding there and end it behind the trailer park, eliminating the double cross over. You could keep the industrial siding at the top coming off the passing siding. I would then remove the outer loop from there to Morton Salt. I would keep the outer loop staging connection to the blue track going into the inner loop and create a connection from the inner loop at the bottom to the staging entrance creating a second passing siding/runaround. The Morton Salt tracks could come off this siding.

You may also want to include a classification yard to sort and group the cars coming from staging for the industries you have. I would try to put that between the oil and salt industries. It might be tight though. You might have to eliminate one of the salt plant tracks. 

You have a few S-curves you should try to eliminate as well. One at the brewery, the other at the salt plant. Those will only cause you problems.

Finally, you may want to include an extra track at the brewery for storage while switching that industry.

Good Luck,


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John Buckley roadglide

Maybe not southern

Not sure yet Nick. Its totally fictious so I can make it wherever I want. Could be Milwaukee Road. Might be NS. Just not sure yet.


COO, Johnstown & Maryville RR


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John Buckley roadglide

Great suggestions Chris

     I do appreciate all the thought that you put into it. I think at this time, though, I am going to keep it as is. I wanted the outer loop so a train can just go round and round while I am working on a project. I am going to set up some sort of electrical circuit that can be set to stop a train at a certain spot, probably behind the town, for a length of time, if i want to do some switching. That way i can simulate having to clear the main every so often to let a through train go by.

I'm not a big supporter of staging. I prefer to just stage right on the layout and go for it.

All terrific thoughts and suggestions for sure. And things I might consider later on.



COO, Johnstown & Maryville RR


Reply 0

Great Ideas.

Dear John,

It's great to see an interesting trackplan, and the sort of thinking that has gone into it - like how many cars can be stored on one siding. My own planning is basically to say "I haven't a clue and I'll learn as I go along and as long as it's interesting, I'll be happy with it!"

I take note of your reducing the number of industries from seven to four. My own plan started out around four times bigger than the space available, and is being culled as reality slowly impinges on my imagination. You might have seen my attempt at a gas producing plant, which came about through my need for a larger radius loop. This was an unexpected bonus for me as I'd not expected to use that area for operations; now it's become an entire operation in itself - and may become the focus of the layout. I simply don't know! The one industry that cannot be culled is the Droste chocolate factory!

Once I get the high level work done is when I will know how much space I have for the other industries and that is when I really will need help from people like you who have some experience of doing these things.

Have a great time with the layout,

Gem xx



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