
Another nice update for you to enjoy and be inspired.

Remember: If you have any layout projects you want to share, please do! I will try to include them in a Scrapbook Update!
Kind regards,
Gert Wierbos

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Thank you very much for continuing this work, Gert! I saw the original website a while back when doing research for a tiny little switching layout (before I was able to fill up a small room, instead, due to my wife allowing me to move things around in there to fit what I wanted in place). Though my plans for a micro-layout died quickly and I have no dreams of ever building one (as many such layouts are built only due to lack of better/bigger options), I still enjoy seeing what others have done. You can always learn something from another modeler or layout if you look at it long enough.

My own layout is quite small by most people’s standards, yet oddly massive for the blog. I’d submit something, but a layout mostly filling a 10 by 11-foot room doesn’t meet anyone’s ‘microlayout’ definition…

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