

To All: Pictured is one of the Tell Tales I made from brass shapes for the HO scale First Coast Model Railroad Society's layout in Jacksonville, Florida. Photo by Elvin Howland. Yours, Elvin Howlanf/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout.
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tell tales

So if you want to tell tales, did you hear about the midnight cellar packer who put gear grease in his buddy's lunch box, and when his friend saw it he got a packing hook and ...

Ooops, you're talking about them overhead rope things. Long time since brakemen were expected to walk on top of moving cars. Wonder if there are any remaining tell-tales to be found out there today. Nice detail for your railroad, but more of a steam era thing?

%20valve.jpg        ell-tale.jpg 

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"Wonder if there are any


"Wonder if there are any remaining tell-tales to be found out there today."

     There were still a few still standing when I was a kid but they were mostly gone by the mid 1950's. Railroads are very quick to remove things they don't still need ,I guess due to liability and tax advantages.....DaveB 

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