David Calhoun


1. Not all walls are straight - make adjustments to uprights.

2. Not all boards are straight - use sander but be careful not to round edges.

3. Not all power saw cuts are perfect - see sanding note above.

4. Not all surfaces are level - use shims - - additional note that 1/8 bubble is NOT level and only useful in government work.

5. When using multiple tools, do not place something you need out of extended arm reach.

6. Pilot holes for countersunk screws are very useful.

7. When in doubt, always hire a professional (carpenter, electrician, artist etc.) that you can blame later on.

The West end needs two more cuts of plywood; dropped section will be for the railroad ferry harbor. Brackets to be installed to support the bridge unit to connect both sides of the railroad (thanks to my father-in-law  Dana Peckworth for help in construction) and wired for power continuity.

The Greater Nickel Plate lives!


Chief Operating Officer

The Greater Nickel Plate

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Neil Erickson NeilEr

Additional Notes

8. Wood shrinks and swells - plan for deformation

9. Rail expands and contracts - gaps make for happy trains

They say that wisdom is gained through experience. Experience is doing things over when things fail. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Of course playing with trains may put me in the last category anyway.

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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